AllOperationValidator |
Validates a query that uses the FilterOperator.ALL operator.
DefaultTypeValidator |
This is a fall-through validator that looks at the type and at the class of the value and figures out if they're similar enough to be
used to query.
DoubleTypeValidator |
Validation for fields of Double/double type.
EntityAnnotatedValueValidator |
Ensures that a Class is annotated with @Entity.
EntityTypeAndIdValueValidator |
Checks the class of the value against the type of the ID for the type.
ExistsOperationValidator |
Checks if the value can have the FilterOperator.EXISTS operator applied to it.
GeoWithinOperationValidator |
Supports validation for queries using the FilterOperator.GEO_WITHIN operator.
InOperationValidator |
Checks if the value can have the FilterOperator.IN operator applied to it.
IntegerTypeValidator |
If the Type is some sort of integer-compatible field (see getTypeClasses ) then this validator will check if the value is of the
correct type for this field.
KeyValueTypeValidator |
This makes sure that the field type and the Key type match.
ListValueValidator |
Validates Lists.
LongTypeValidator |
Checks the type of the value if the type of the field is a Long or long.
ModOperationValidator |
Validates queries using the FilterOperator.MOD .
NotInOperationValidator |
Checks if the value can have the FilterOperator.NOT_IN operator applied to it.
OperationValidator |
Extend this abstract class to provide a way of validating part of a query that contains a FilterOperator .
PatternValueValidator |
Validates query values that are Pattern to check the field type is a String.
SizeOperationValidator |
Checks if the value can have the FilterOperator.ALL operator applied to it.
TypeValidator |
Extend this class to provide specific validation for field types for query validation.
ValidationFailure |
Represents a validation failure.
ValueValidator |
Provides validation based on the Value in the query