Package dev.morphia.annotations

@NonNullApi package dev.morphia.annotations
Defines the annotations available in Morphia.
  • Annotation Interfaces
    Annotation which helps migrate schemas by loading one of several possible properties in the document into fields or methods.
    Properties for capped collections; used in Entity
    Defines the collation options for an index
    Marks a class as a Morphia entity indicating it should be mapped.
    Specifies other classes to participate in the @Entity's lifecycle
    Marks a class as a "stand in" for an external class whose source can not be properly annotated.
    Define a field to be used in an index;
    Defines a specific handler for a type above and beyond the codecs
    Denotes the ID field on an entity.
    Denotes the ID field on an entity.
    This annotation allows the lazy-load proxy to return the ID of a referenced entity without reading the reference from the database.
    Defines an index
    Specified on fields that should be Indexed.
    Defines indexes for this entity type (on the collection)
    Defines the options to be used when declaring an index.
    When placed on an entity field, the field will not be written to mongodb.
    Defines a name for a constructor parameter.
    Denotes the possible values for a configuration option.
    Called after the data has been loaded into the java object.
    Called after the data has been persisted from the java object.
    Called before the data has been loaded into the object.
    Called before the data has been persisted to the datastore (before mapping is done).
    Optional annotation for specifying persistence behavior
    Defines a shard key of a particular type
    Defines the properties used in the shard key.
    Specifies options to be applied when sharding.
    Marks this field for inclusion in text indexing.
    Defines the document validation logic for a collection.
    supposed to be used on a Long or long field for optimistic locking.