All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form
- abs(Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.MathExpressions
Returns the absolute value of a number.
- accumulator(String, String, List<Object>, String) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.AccumulatorExpressions
Returns an array of unique expression values for each group.
- AccumulatorExpression - Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls
- AccumulatorExpressions - Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions
Defines helper methods for accumulator expressions
- acos(Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.TrigonometryExpressions
Returns the inverse cosine (arc cosine) of a value in radians.
- acosh(Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.TrigonometryExpressions
Returns the inverse hyperbolic cosine (hyperbolic arc cosine) of a value in radians.
- action() - Element in annotation interface dev.morphia.annotations.Validation
- add(boolean) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls.LogicalExpression
Adds a new expression to this LogicalExpression.
- add(Expression) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls.LogicalExpression
Adds a new expression to this LogicalExpression.
- add(Object) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls.MergeObjects
Adds an expression to be merged
- add(Object, Object...) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.MathExpressions
Adds numbers together or adds numbers and a date.
- addFields() - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.AddFields
Creates a new AddFields stage
- addFields(AddFields) - Method in interface dev.morphia.aggregation.Aggregation
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
- AddFields - Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.stages
Adds new fields to documents.
- addToSet(Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.AccumulatorExpressions
Returns an array of unique expression values for each group.
- addToSet(String, Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.query.updates.UpdateOperators
The $addToSet operator adds a value to an array unless the value is already present, in which case $addToSet does nothing to that array.
- addToSet(String, List<?>) - Static method in class dev.morphia.query.updates.UpdateOperators
The $addToSet operator adds a value to an array unless the value is already present, in which case $addToSet does nothing to that array.
- aggregate(Class<T>) - Method in interface dev.morphia.Datastore
Returns a new query bound to the kind (a specific
) - aggregate(String) - Method in interface dev.morphia.Datastore
Returns a new query bound to the kind (a specific
) - Aggregation<T> - Interface in dev.morphia.aggregation
- AggregationException - Exception in dev.morphia.aggregation
Indicates a failure in a pipeline execution
- AggregationException(String) - Constructor for exception dev.morphia.aggregation.AggregationException
Creates an exception with a message
- AggregationException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception dev.morphia.aggregation.AggregationException
Creates an exception with a message and a cause
- AggregationOptions - Class in dev.morphia.aggregation
Defines options to be applied to an aggregation pipeline.
- AggregationOptions() - Constructor for class dev.morphia.aggregation.AggregationOptions
- all(String, Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.query.filters.Filters
Matches arrays that contain all elements specified in the query.
- allChangesForCluster(Boolean) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.ChangeStream
Sets whether the change stream should include all changes in the cluster.
- allElementsTrue(Object, Object...) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.SetExpressions
Returns true if no element of a set evaluates to false, otherwise, returns false.
- allowDiskUse(boolean) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.AggregationOptions
Enables writing to temporary files.
- allowDiskUse(Boolean) - Method in class dev.morphia.query.FindOptions
Enables writing to temporary files on the server.
- allUsers(boolean) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.CurrentOp
If set to false, $currentOp will only report on operations/idle connections/idle cursors/idle sessions belonging to the user who ran the command.
- AlsoLoad - Annotation Interface in dev.morphia.annotations
Annotation which helps migrate schemas by loading one of several possible properties in the document into fields or methods.
- alternate() - Element in annotation interface dev.morphia.annotations.Collation
Controls whether spaces and punctuation are considered base characters
- and() - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.BooleanExpressions
Evaluates one or more values and returns true if all the values are true or if evoked with no argument expressions.
- and(Filter...) - Static method in class dev.morphia.query.filters.Filters
Applies $and to a set of filters
- and(Object, Object...) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.BooleanExpressions
Evaluates one or more values and returns true if all the values are true or if evoked with no argument expressions.
- and(String, int) - Static method in class dev.morphia.query.updates.UpdateOperators
The $bit operator performs a bitwise update of a field.
- anyElementTrue(Object, Object...) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.SetExpressions
eturns true if any elements of a set evaluate to true; otherwise, returns false.
- apply(String) - Method in class dev.morphia.mapping.NamingStrategy
Applies this naming strategy to the given value
- applyCaps() - Method in interface dev.morphia.config.MorphiaConfig
If true, collection caps will be applied to the database at start up.
- applyCaps(Boolean) - Method in interface dev.morphia.config.MorphiaConfig
Updates this configuration with a new value and returns a new instance.
- applyDocumentValidations() - Method in interface dev.morphia.config.MorphiaConfig
If true, document validations will be enabled for entities/collections with validation mappings.
- applyDocumentValidations(Boolean) - Method in interface dev.morphia.config.MorphiaConfig
Updates this configuration with a new value and returns a new instance.
- applyIndexes() - Method in interface dev.morphia.config.MorphiaConfig
If true, mapped indexes will be applied to the database at start up.
- applyIndexes(Boolean) - Method in interface dev.morphia.config.MorphiaConfig
Updates this configuration with a new value and returns a new instance.
- array(Object...) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.ArrayExpressions
Creates an array of the given objects.
- ARRAY - Enum constant in enum class dev.morphia.query.Type
- ArrayExpressions - Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions
Defines helper methods for the array expressions
- arrayFilter(Filter) - Method in class dev.morphia.UpdateOptions
Adds a new array filter
- arrayFilters(List<? extends Bson>) - Method in class dev.morphia.ModifyOptions
- arrayFilters(List<? extends Bson>) - Method in class dev.morphia.UpdateOptions
- ArrayIndexExpression - Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls
Searches an array for an occurrence of a specified value and returns the array index of the first occurrence.
- ArraySlice - Class in dev.morphia.query
Defines array slicing options for query projections.
- arrayToObject(Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.ArrayExpressions
Converts an array of key value pairs to a document.
- as(String) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls.FilterExpression
- as(String) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls.MapExpression
- as(String) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.GraphLookup
Name of the array field added to each output document.
- as(String) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.Lookup
Name of the array field added to each output document.
- ASC - Enum constant in enum class dev.morphia.mapping.IndexDirection
- ASC - Enum constant in enum class dev.morphia.mapping.IndexType
- ascending(String) - Static method in class dev.morphia.query.Sort
Creates an ascending sort on a field
- ascending(String, String...) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.Sort
Adds an ascending sort definition on the field.
- ASCENDING - Enum constant in enum class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.Sort.Direction
- asin(Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.TrigonometryExpressions
Returns the inverse sin (arc sine) of a value in radians.
- asinh(Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.TrigonometryExpressions
Returns the inverse hyperbolic sine (hyperbolic arc sine) of a value in radians.
- atan(Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.TrigonometryExpressions
Returns the inverse tangent (arc tangent) of a value in radians.
- atan2(Object, Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.TrigonometryExpressions
Returns the inverse tangent (arc tangent) of y / x in radians, where y and x are the first and second values passed to the expression respectively.
- atanh(Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.TrigonometryExpressions
Returns the inverse hyperbolic tangent (hyperbolic arc tangent) of a value in radians.
- autoBucket() - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.AutoBucket
Creates a new auto bucket
- autoBucket(AutoBucket) - Method in interface dev.morphia.aggregation.Aggregation
instead - AutoBucket - Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.stages
Categorizes incoming documents into a specific number of groups, called buckets, based on a specified expression.
- available() - Method in class dev.morphia.query.MorphiaCursor
- avg(Object, Object...) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.AccumulatorExpressions
Returns an average of numerical values.
- background() - Element in annotation interface dev.morphia.annotations.IndexOptions
- backwards() - Element in annotation interface dev.morphia.annotations.Collation
Causes secondary differences to be considered in reverse order, as it is done in the French language
- batchSize(int) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.AggregationOptions
Sets the batch size for fetching results.
- batchSize(int) - Method in class dev.morphia.query.FindOptions
Sets the batch size
- BINARY_DATA - Enum constant in enum class dev.morphia.query.Type
- binarySize(Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.DataSizeExpressions
Returns the size of a given string or binary data value’s content in bytes.
- binSize(long) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls.DateTruncExpression
The numeric time value, specified as an expression that must resolve to a positive non-zero number.
- bit(String, Number) - Static method in class dev.morphia.query.updates.UpdateOperators
Multiplies the value of the field by the specified amount.
- bitAnd(Object, Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.MathExpressions
Returns the result of a bitwise and operation on an array of int or long values.
- bitNot(Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.MathExpressions
Returns the result of a bitwise not operation on a single int or long value.
- bitOr(Object, Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.MathExpressions
Returns the result of a bitwise or operation on an array of int or long values.
- bitsAllClear(String, Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.query.filters.Filters
Matches numeric or binary values in which a set of bit positions all have a value of 0.
- bitsAllSet(String, Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.query.filters.Filters
Matches numeric or binary values in which a set of bit positions all have a value of 1.
- bitsAnyClear(String, Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.query.filters.Filters
Matches numeric or binary values in which any bit from a set of bit positions has a value of 0.
- bitsAnySet(String, Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.query.filters.Filters
Matches numeric or binary values in which any bit from a set of bit positions has a value of 1.
- bitXor(Object, Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.MathExpressions
Returns the result of a bitwise xor operation on an array of int xor long values.
- BOOLEAN - Enum constant in enum class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls.ConvertType
the boolean type
- BOOLEAN - Enum constant in enum class dev.morphia.query.Type
- BooleanExpressions - Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions
Defines helper methods for the boolean expressions
- bottom(Object, Sort...) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.AccumulatorExpressions
Returns the bottom element within a group according to the specified sort order.
- bottomN(Object, Object, Sort...) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.AccumulatorExpressions
Returns an aggregation of the bottom n elements within a group, according to the specified sort order.
- boundaries(Object...) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.Bucket
An array of values based on the groupBy expression that specify the boundaries for each bucket.
- bounded(Object, Object, Number) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.Densify.Range
Creates a bounded range.
- box(String, Point, Point) - Static method in class dev.morphia.query.filters.Filters
Specifies a rectangular box using legacy coordinate pairs for $geoWithin queries.
- branch(Object, Object) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls.SwitchExpression
Adds a new branch to the switch
- bsonSize(Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.DataSizeExpressions
Returns the size in bytes of a given document (i.e. bsontype Object) when encoded as BSON.
- bucket() - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.Bucket
Creates a new bucket stage
- bucket(Bucket) - Method in interface dev.morphia.aggregation.Aggregation
instead - Bucket - Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.stages
Categorizes incoming documents into groups, called buckets, based on a specified expression and bucket boundaries.
- buckets(Integer) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.AutoBucket
A positive 32-bit integer that specifies the number of buckets into which input documents are grouped.
- bypassDocumentValidation(boolean) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.AggregationOptions
Enables the aggregation to bypass document validation during the operation.
- bypassDocumentValidation(Boolean) - Method in class dev.morphia.InsertManyOptions
Sets whether to bypass document validation.
- bypassDocumentValidation(Boolean) - Method in class dev.morphia.InsertOneOptions
Sets whether to bypass document validation.
- bypassDocumentValidation(Boolean) - Method in class dev.morphia.ModifyOptions
- bypassDocumentValidation(Boolean) - Method in class dev.morphia.ReplaceOptions
Sets whether to bypass document validation.
- bypassDocumentValidation(Boolean) - Method in class dev.morphia.UpdateOptions
- CalculusExpression - Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls
Common type for $derivative and $integral
- camelCase() - Static method in class dev.morphia.mapping.NamingStrategy
Defines a naming strategy that returns camel case of the value passed
- cap() - Element in annotation interface dev.morphia.annotations.Entity
- cap() - Element in annotation interface dev.morphia.annotations.ExternalEntity
- CappedAt - Annotation Interface in dev.morphia.annotations
Properties for capped collections; used in
- caseFirst() - Element in annotation interface dev.morphia.annotations.Collation
Determines if Uppercase or lowercase values should come first
- caseInsensitive() - Method in class dev.morphia.query.filters.RegexFilter
Case insensitivity to match upper and lower cases.
- caseLevel() - Element in annotation interface dev.morphia.annotations.Collation
Turns on case sensitivity
- caseSensitive(Boolean) - Method in class dev.morphia.query.filters.TextSearchFilter
Sets the search as case-sensitive or not
- ceil(Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.MathExpressions
Returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to the specified number.
- center(String, Point, double) - Static method in class dev.morphia.query.filters.Filters
Specifies a circle using legacy coordinate pairs to $geoWithin queries when using planar geometry.
- centerSphere(String, Point, double) - Static method in class dev.morphia.query.filters.Filters
Defines a circle for a geospatial query that uses spherical geometry.
- changeStream() - Method in interface dev.morphia.aggregation.Aggregation
instead - changeStream() - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.ChangeStream
Returns a Change Stream cursor on a collection, a database, or an entire cluster.
- changeStream(ChangeStream) - Method in interface dev.morphia.aggregation.Aggregation
instead - ChangeStream - Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.stages
Returns a Change Stream cursor on a collection, a database, or an entire cluster.
- chars(String) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls.TrimExpression
- className() - Static method in class dev.morphia.mapping.DiscriminatorFunction
Defines a function to use the class name for the discriminator value
- close() - Method in class dev.morphia.query.MorphiaCursor
Closes the underlying cursor.
- CLUSTER_TIME - Static variable in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.SystemVariables
A variable that returns the current timestamp value.
- cmp(Object, Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.ComparisonExpressions
Returns 0 if the two values are equivalent, 1 if the first value is greater than the second, and -1 if the first value is less than the second.
- codecProvider() - Method in interface dev.morphia.config.MorphiaConfig
Specifies a
to supply user defined codecs that Morphia should use. - codecProvider(CodecProvider) - Method in interface dev.morphia.config.MorphiaConfig
Updates this configuration with a new value and returns a new instance.
- collation() - Element in annotation interface dev.morphia.annotations.IndexOptions
- collation(Collation) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.AggregationOptions
Specifies the collation to use for the operation.
- collation(Collation) - Method in class dev.morphia.DeleteOptions
- collation(Collation) - Method in class dev.morphia.ModifyOptions
- collation(Collation) - Method in class dev.morphia.query.CountOptions
- collation(Collation) - Method in class dev.morphia.query.FindAndDeleteOptions
- collation(Collation) - Method in class dev.morphia.query.FindOptions
Sets the collation to use
- collation(Collation) - Method in class dev.morphia.ReplaceOptions
- collation(Collation) - Method in class dev.morphia.UpdateOptions
- Collation - Annotation Interface in dev.morphia.annotations
Defines the collation options for an index
- collection() - Method in class dev.morphia.ModifyOptions
Returns the alternate collection to use for the operation.
- collection(String) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.AggregationOptions
Specify an alternate collection to aggregate from rather than the collection mapped to the type used to create the aggregation initially.
- collection(String) - Method in class dev.morphia.DeleteOptions
Sets the alternate collection to use for the operation.
- collection(String) - Method in class dev.morphia.InsertManyOptions
- collection(String) - Method in class dev.morphia.InsertOneOptions
Specifies an alternate collection to use rather than the mapped collection.
- collection(String) - Method in class dev.morphia.ModifyOptions
Sets the alternate collection to use for the operation.
- collection(String) - Method in class dev.morphia.query.CountOptions
- collection(String) - Method in class dev.morphia.query.FindAndDeleteOptions
- collection(String) - Method in class dev.morphia.query.FindOptions
- collection(String) - Method in class dev.morphia.UpdateOptions
- collectionNaming() - Method in interface dev.morphia.config.MorphiaConfig
Sets the naming strategy to be used when generating collection names for entities if name is not explicitly given in the
annotation - collectionNaming(NamingStrategy) - Method in interface dev.morphia.config.MorphiaConfig
Updates this configuration with a new value and returns a new instance.
- CollectionStats - Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.stages
Returns statistics regarding a collection or view.
- collStats() - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.CollectionStats
Creates a new collStats stage
- collStats(CollectionStats) - Method in interface dev.morphia.aggregation.Aggregation
instead - comment() - Method in class dev.morphia.query.filters.CommentFilter
- comment(String) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.AggregationOptions
Sets the comment for this operation.
- comment(String) - Method in class dev.morphia.DeleteOptions
- comment(String) - Method in class dev.morphia.InsertManyOptions
- comment(String) - Method in class dev.morphia.InsertOneOptions
- comment(String) - Method in class dev.morphia.ModifyOptions
- comment(String) - Method in class dev.morphia.query.CountOptions
- comment(String) - Static method in class dev.morphia.query.filters.Filters
Adds a comment to a query predicate.
- comment(String) - Method in class dev.morphia.query.FindAndDeleteOptions
- comment(String) - Method in class dev.morphia.query.FindOptions
Sets the comment to log with the query
- comment(String) - Method in class dev.morphia.ReplaceOptions
- comment(String) - Method in class dev.morphia.UpdateOptions
- comment(BsonValue) - Method in class dev.morphia.DeleteOptions
- comment(BsonValue) - Method in class dev.morphia.InsertManyOptions
- comment(BsonValue) - Method in class dev.morphia.InsertOneOptions
- comment(BsonValue) - Method in class dev.morphia.ModifyOptions
- comment(BsonValue) - Method in class dev.morphia.query.CountOptions
- comment(BsonValue) - Method in class dev.morphia.query.FindAndDeleteOptions
- comment(BsonValue) - Method in class dev.morphia.query.FindOptions
Sets the comment to log with the query
- comment(BsonValue) - Method in class dev.morphia.ReplaceOptions
- comment(BsonValue) - Method in class dev.morphia.UpdateOptions
- CommentFilter - Class in dev.morphia.query.filters
- CommentFilter(String) - Constructor for class dev.morphia.query.filters.CommentFilter
- ComparisonExpressions - Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions
Defines helper methods for the comparison expressions
- compute(Class<?>) - Method in class dev.morphia.mapping.DiscriminatorFunction
Computes the discriminator value for an Entity
- concat(Object, Object...) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.StringExpressions
Concatenates any number of strings.
- concatArrays(Object, Object...) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.ArrayExpressions
Concatenates arrays to return the concatenated array.
- concern() - Element in annotation interface dev.morphia.annotations.Entity
- concern() - Element in annotation interface dev.morphia.annotations.ExternalEntity
- concreteClass() - Element in annotation interface dev.morphia.annotations.Property
- condition(Object, Object, Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.ConditionalExpressions
Evaluates a boolean expression to return one of the two specified return expressions.
- ConditionalExpressions - Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions
Defines helper methods for the conditional expressions
- connectFromField(String) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.GraphLookup
Field name whose value $graphLookup uses to recursively match against the connectToField of other documents in the collection.
- connectToField(String) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.GraphLookup
Field name in other documents against which to match the value of the field specified by the connectFromField parameter.
- convert(Object, ConvertType) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.TypeExpressions
Converts a value to a specified type.
- ConvertExpression - Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls
Converts a value to a specified type.
- convertToMorphia(Property) - Method in class dev.morphia.config.MorphiaPropertyAnnotationProvider
- convertToMorphia(T) - Method in interface dev.morphia.config.PropertyAnnotationProvider
- ConvertType - Enum Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls
Defines target types for doing type conversions.
- cos(Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.TrigonometryExpressions
Returns the cosine of a value that is measured in radians.
- cosh(Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.TrigonometryExpressions
Returns the hyperbolic cosine of a value that is measured in radians.
- count() - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.AccumulatorExpressions
Returns the number of documents in a group.
- count() - Element in annotation interface dev.morphia.annotations.CappedAt
- count() - Method in interface dev.morphia.query.Query
Count the total number of values in the result, ignoring limit and offset
- count(boolean) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.CollectionStats
Adds the total number of documents in the collection to the return document.
- count(CountOptions) - Method in interface dev.morphia.query.Query
Count the total number of values in the result, ignoring limit and offset
- count(String) - Method in interface dev.morphia.aggregation.Aggregation
instead - count(String) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.Count
Creates a new Count stage
- Count - Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.stages
Passes a document to the next stage that contains a count of the number of documents input to the stage.
- countDocuments(MongoCollection<T>, Document, CountOptions) - Method in class dev.morphia.MorphiaDatastore.DatastoreOperations
Counts the number of documents in the collection according to the given options.
- CountOptions - Class in dev.morphia.query
The options for a count operation.
- CountOptions() - Constructor for class dev.morphia.query.CountOptions
- covariancePop(Object, Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.WindowExpressions
Returns the population covariance of two numeric expressions that are evaluated using documents in the $setWindowFields stage window.
- covarianceSamp(Object, Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.WindowExpressions
Returns the sample covariance of two numeric expressions that are evaluated using documents in the $setWindowFields stage window.
- createDatastore(MongoClient) - Static method in class dev.morphia.Morphia
Creates a Datastore configured via config file
- createDatastore(MongoClient, MorphiaConfig) - Static method in class dev.morphia.Morphia
Creates a Datastore configured via config file
- createInstance(Mapper, PropertyModel, Document) - Method in interface dev.morphia.ObjectFactory
Creates an instance of the class defined in the discriminator field in the document passed in.
- createInstance(Class<T>) - Method in interface dev.morphia.ObjectFactory
Creates an instance of the given class.
- createInstance(Class<T>, Document) - Method in interface dev.morphia.ObjectFactory
Creates an instance of the class defined in the discriminator field in the document passed in.
- createList(PropertyModel) - Method in interface dev.morphia.ObjectFactory
Defines how morphia creates a List object.
- createMap(PropertyModel) - Method in interface dev.morphia.ObjectFactory
Defines how morphia creates a Map object.
- createQuery(Datastore, Class<T>) - Method in interface dev.morphia.query.QueryFactory
Creates a new query for the given type.
- createQuery(Datastore, Class<T>, Document) - Method in class dev.morphia.query.DefaultQueryFactory
- createQuery(Datastore, Class<T>, Document) - Method in interface dev.morphia.query.QueryFactory
Creates and returns a
for the given arguments. - createQuery(Datastore, String, Class<T>) - Method in class dev.morphia.query.DefaultQueryFactory
- createQuery(Datastore, String, Class<T>) - Method in interface dev.morphia.query.QueryFactory
Creates and returns a
for the given arguments. - createSet(PropertyModel) - Method in interface dev.morphia.ObjectFactory
Defines how morphia creates a Set object.
- crs(CoordinateReferenceSystem) - Method in class dev.morphia.query.filters.GeoWithinFilter
- crs(CoordinateReferenceSystem) - Method in class dev.morphia.query.filters.NearFilter
Sets the coordinate reference system to use
- CURRENT - Static variable in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.SystemVariables
References the start of the field path being processed in the aggregation pipeline stage.
- currentDate(String) - Static method in class dev.morphia.query.updates.UpdateOperators
The $currentDate operator sets the value of a field to the current date, either as a Date or a timestamp.
- CurrentDateOperator - Class in dev.morphia.query.updates
Defines the $currentDate operator
- CurrentDateOperator.TypeSpecification - Enum Class in dev.morphia.query.updates
The type options when setting the current date
- currentOp() - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.CurrentOp
Creates a new stage
- currentOp(CurrentOp) - Method in interface dev.morphia.aggregation.Aggregation
instead - CurrentOp - Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.stages
Returns a stream of documents containing information on active and/or dormant operations as well as inactive sessions that are holding locks as part of a transaction.
- cursorType(CursorType) - Method in class dev.morphia.query.FindOptions
Sets the cursor type
- database() - Method in interface dev.morphia.config.MorphiaConfig
The database name that Morphia should use.
- database(String) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.Out
Specifies an alternate database for the output.
- database(String) - Method in interface dev.morphia.config.MorphiaConfig
Updates this configuration with a new value and returns a new instance.
- DataSizeExpressions - Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions
Defines helper methods for the data size expressions
- datastore() - Method in class dev.morphia.query.updates.UpdateOperator
- datastore(MorphiaDatastore) - Method in class dev.morphia.query.updates.UpdateOperator
- Datastore - Interface in dev.morphia
Datastore interface to get/delete/save objects
- DatastoreOperations() - Constructor for class dev.morphia.MorphiaDatastore.DatastoreOperations
- date(Object) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls.DateToString
- DATE - Enum constant in enum class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls.ConvertType
the date type
- DATE - Enum constant in enum class dev.morphia.query.Type
- DATE - Enum constant in enum class dev.morphia.query.updates.CurrentDateOperator.TypeSpecification
the date type
- dateAdd(Object, long, TimeUnit) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.DateExpressions
Increments a Date object by a specified number of time units.
- DateDeltaExpression - Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls
Changes a Date object by a specified number of time units.
- dateDiff(Object, Object, TimeUnit) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.DateExpressions
Returns the difference between two dates.
- DateDiffExpression - Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls
Returns the difference between two dates.
- DateExpressions - Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions
Defines helper methods for the date expressions
- dateFromParts() - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.DateExpressions
Constructs and returns a Date object given the date’s constituent properties.
- DateFromParts - Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls
Constructs and returns a Date object given the date’s constituent properties.
- dateFromString() - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.DateExpressions
Converts a date/time string to a date object.
- DateFromString - Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls
Converts a date/time string to a date object.
- dateStorage() - Method in interface dev.morphia.config.MorphiaConfig
The date storage configuration Morphia should use for JSR 310 types.
- dateStorage(DateStorage) - Method in interface dev.morphia.config.MorphiaConfig
Updates this configuration with a new value and returns a new instance.
- DateStorage - Enum Class in dev.morphia.mapping
This enum is used to determine how JSR 310 dates and times are stored in the database.
- dateString(Object) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls.DateFromString
- dateSubtract(Object, long, TimeUnit) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.DateExpressions
Decrements a Date object by a specified number of time units.
- dateToParts(Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.DateExpressions
Constructs and returns a Date object given the date’s constituent properties.
- DateToParts - Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls
Returns a document that contains the constituent parts of a given BSON Date value as individual properties.
- dateToString() - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.DateExpressions
Returns the date as a formatted string.
- DateToString - Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls
Returns the date as a formatted string.
- dateTrunc(Object, TimeUnit) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.DateExpressions
Truncates a date.
- DateTruncExpression - Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls
Truncates a date.
- day(Object) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls.DateFromParts
Day of month.
- DAY - Enum constant in enum class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.TimeUnit
- dayOfMonth(Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.DateExpressions
Returns the day of the month for a date as a number between 1 and 31.
- dayOfWeek(Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.DateExpressions
Returns the day of the week for a date as a number between 1 (Sunday) and 7 (Saturday).
- dayOfYear(Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.DateExpressions
Returns the day of the year for a date as a number between 1 and 366 (leap year).
- DB_POINTER - Enum constant in enum class dev.morphia.query.Type
- dec(String) - Static method in class dev.morphia.query.updates.UpdateOperators
Decrements the value of the field by one.
- dec(String, Number) - Static method in class dev.morphia.query.updates.UpdateOperators
Decrements the value of the field by the specified amount.
- DECIMAL - Enum constant in enum class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls.ConvertType
the decimal type
- DECIMAL_128 - Enum constant in enum class dev.morphia.query.Type
- DEFAULT_LOCALE - Static variable in annotation interface dev.morphia.annotations.Collation
The default locale name
- defaultCase(Object) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls.SwitchExpression
Adds a default case if nothing is matched.
- DefaultQueryFactory - Class in dev.morphia.query
A default implementation of
. - DefaultQueryFactory() - Constructor for class dev.morphia.query.DefaultQueryFactory
- defaults(Expression) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls.ZipExpression
An array of default element values to use if the input arrays have different lengths.
- defaultValue(Object) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.Bucket
- degreesToRadians(Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.TrigonometryExpressions
Converts a value from degrees to radians.
- delete() - Method in interface dev.morphia.query.Query
Deletes elements matching this query
- delete(DeleteOptions) - Method in interface dev.morphia.query.Query
Deletes documents matching this query.
- delete(T) - Method in interface dev.morphia.Datastore
Deletes the given entity (by @Id)
- delete(T, DeleteOptions) - Method in interface dev.morphia.Datastore
Deletes the given entity (by @Id), with the WriteConcern
- deleteMany(MongoCollection<T>, Document, DeleteOptions) - Method in class dev.morphia.MorphiaDatastore.DatastoreOperations
Removes all documents from the collection that match the given query filter.
- deleteOne(MongoCollection<T>, Document, DeleteOptions) - Method in class dev.morphia.MorphiaDatastore.DatastoreOperations
Removes one document from the collection that match the given query filter.
- DeleteOptions - Class in dev.morphia
The options to apply when removing documents from the MongoCollection
- DeleteOptions() - Constructor for class dev.morphia.DeleteOptions
Creates a new options instance
- denseRank() - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.WindowExpressions
Returns the document position (known as the rank) relative to other documents in the $setWindowFields stage partition.
- densify(Densify) - Method in interface dev.morphia.aggregation.Aggregation
instead - densify(String, Densify.Range) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.Densify
Creates new documents in a sequence of documents where certain values in a field are missing.
- Densify - Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.stages
Creates new documents in a sequence of documents where certain values in a field are missing.
- Densify.Range - Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.stages
Defines a range.
- depthField(String) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.GraphLookup
- derivative(Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.WindowExpressions
Returns the average rate of change within the specified window.
- DESC - Enum constant in enum class dev.morphia.mapping.IndexDirection
- DESC - Enum constant in enum class dev.morphia.mapping.IndexType
- DESCEND - Static variable in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.SystemVariables
One of the allowed results of a $redact expression.
- descending(String) - Static method in class dev.morphia.query.Sort
Creates a descending sort on a field
- descending(String, String...) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.Sort
Adds a descending sort definition on the field.
- DESCENDING - Enum constant in enum class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.Sort.Direction
- dev.morphia - package dev.morphia
Base Morphia package
- dev.morphia.aggregation - package dev.morphia.aggregation
Defines the Morphia support for the aggregation framework.
- dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions - package dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions
Defines factory classes for accessing the various expressions in the aggregation framework.
- dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls - package dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls
Implementations of the various expressions in the aggregation framework.
- dev.morphia.aggregation.stages - package dev.morphia.aggregation.stages
Defines the aggregation stages.
- dev.morphia.annotations - package dev.morphia.annotations
Defines the annotations available in Morphia.
- dev.morphia.config - package dev.morphia.config
Configuration related types
- dev.morphia.config.converters - package dev.morphia.config.converters
- dev.morphia.mapping - package dev.morphia.mapping
Defines the mapping infrastructure used by Morphia.
- dev.morphia.query - package dev.morphia.query
Defines the types needed to execute queries.
- dev.morphia.query.filters - package dev.morphia.query.filters
Defines the various filters available.
- dev.morphia.query.updates - package dev.morphia.query.updates
Defines the various update operators.
- dev.morphia.transactions - package dev.morphia.transactions
Defines the transaction types.
- diacriticSensitive(Boolean) - Method in class dev.morphia.query.filters.TextSearchFilter
Sets the search as diacritic sensitive or not
- disableValidation() - Element in annotation interface dev.morphia.annotations.IndexOptions
- disableValidation() - Method in interface dev.morphia.query.Query
Turns off validation (for all calls made after)
- discriminator() - Element in annotation interface dev.morphia.annotations.Entity
- discriminator() - Element in annotation interface dev.morphia.annotations.ExternalEntity
- discriminator() - Method in interface dev.morphia.config.MorphiaConfig
The function to use when calculating the discriminator value for an entity
- discriminator(DiscriminatorFunction) - Method in interface dev.morphia.config.MorphiaConfig
Updates this configuration with a new value and returns a new instance.
- DiscriminatorFunction - Class in dev.morphia.mapping
Defines a function to calculate a discriminator value.
- DiscriminatorFunction() - Constructor for class dev.morphia.mapping.DiscriminatorFunction
- discriminatorKey() - Element in annotation interface dev.morphia.annotations.Entity
- discriminatorKey() - Element in annotation interface dev.morphia.annotations.ExternalEntity
- discriminatorKey() - Method in interface dev.morphia.config.MorphiaConfig
The document field name to use when storing discriminator values
- discriminatorKey(String) - Method in interface dev.morphia.config.MorphiaConfig
Updates this configuration with a new value and returns a new instance.
- distanceField(String) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.GeoNear
The output field that contains the calculated distance.
- distanceMultiplier(Number) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.GeoNear
- divide(Object, Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.MathExpressions
Returns the result of dividing the first number by the second.
- document() - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.Expressions
Creates a new DocumentExpression.
- document(String, Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.Expressions
Creates a new DocumentExpression.
- DocumentExpression - Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls
Defines a document expression
- documentNumber() - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.WindowExpressions
Returns the position of a document (known as the document number) in the $setWindowFields stage partition.
- documents(DocumentExpression...) - Method in interface dev.morphia.aggregation.Aggregation
instead - documents(DocumentExpression...) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.Documents
Creates a new stage with the given document expressions
- documents(Object, Object) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.SetWindowFields.Window
A window where the lower and upper boundaries are specified relative to the position of the current document read from the collection.
- Documents - Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.stages
Returns literal documents from input values.
- DOUBLE - Enum constant in enum class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls.ConvertType
the double type
- DOUBLE - Enum constant in enum class dev.morphia.query.Type
- elementAt(Object, Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.ArrayExpressions
Returns the element at the specified array index.
- elemMatch(Filter...) - Static method in class dev.morphia.query.filters.Filters
Selects documents if a value in the results matches all the specified $elemMatch conditions.
- elemMatch(String, Filter...) - Static method in class dev.morphia.query.filters.Filters
Selects documents if element in the array field matches all the specified $elemMatch conditions.
- enablePolymorphicQueries() - Method in interface dev.morphia.config.MorphiaConfig
Enable polymorphic queries.
- enablePolymorphicQueries(Boolean) - Method in interface dev.morphia.config.MorphiaConfig
Updates this configuration with a new value and returns a new instance.
- enableValidation() - Method in interface dev.morphia.query.Query
Turns on validation (for all calls made after); by default validation is on
- end(int) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls.IndexExpression
Sets the end boundary for searching
- end(Integer) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls.ArrayIndexExpression
The ending index
- Entity - Annotation Interface in dev.morphia.annotations
Marks a class as a Morphia entity indicating it should be mapped.
- EntityListener<T> - Interface in dev.morphia
Defines a listener on an entity and default placeholders for the various types.
- EntityListeners - Annotation Interface in dev.morphia.annotations
Specifies other classes to participate in the @Entity's lifecycle
- entityModel(EntityModel) - Method in class dev.morphia.query.updates.UpdateOperator
- eq(Object, Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.ComparisonExpressions
Creates an equality check expression
- eq(String, Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.query.filters.Filters
Specifies equality condition.
- exclude(String) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.Projection
Excludes a field.
- exclude(String...) - Method in class dev.morphia.query.Projection
Adds a field to the projection clause.
- execute() - Method in interface dev.morphia.aggregation.Aggregation
Execute the aggregation.
- execute(AggregationOptions) - Method in interface dev.morphia.aggregation.Aggregation
Execute the aggregation.
- execute(MorphiaSession) - Method in interface dev.morphia.transactions.MorphiaTransaction
Executes the transaction body
- execute(Class<S>) - Method in interface dev.morphia.aggregation.Aggregation
Execute the aggregation and get the results.
- execute(Class<S>, AggregationOptions) - Method in interface dev.morphia.aggregation.Aggregation
Execute the aggregation and get the results.
- exists(String) - Static method in class dev.morphia.query.filters.Filters
Matches documents that have the specified field.
- exp(Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.MathExpressions
Raises e to the specified exponent.
- expireAfterSeconds() - Element in annotation interface dev.morphia.annotations.IndexOptions
- explain() - Method in interface dev.morphia.query.Query
Provides information on the query plan.
- explain(FindOptions) - Method in interface dev.morphia.query.Query
Provides information on the query plan.
- explain(FindOptions, ExplainVerbosity) - Method in interface dev.morphia.query.Query
Provides information on the query plan.
- expMovingAvg(Object, double) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.WindowExpressions
Returns the exponential moving average of numeric expressions applied to documents in a partition defined in the $setWindowFields stage.
- expMovingAvg(Object, int) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.WindowExpressions
Returns the exponential moving average of numeric expressions applied to documents in a partition defined in the $setWindowFields stage.
- expr(Expression) - Static method in class dev.morphia.query.filters.Filters
Allows use of aggregation expressions within the query language.
- Expression - Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls
Base class for all the expression types.
- Expressions - Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions
Defines helper methods for various expressions.
- extended() - Method in class dev.morphia.query.filters.RegexFilter
“Extended” capability to ignore all white space characters in the $regex pattern unless escaped or included in a character class.
- ExternalEntity - Annotation Interface in dev.morphia.annotations
Marks a class as a "stand in" for an external class whose source can not be properly annotated.
- facet() - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.Facet
Creates a new facet stage
- facet(Facet) - Method in interface dev.morphia.aggregation.Aggregation
instead - Facet - Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.stages
Processes multiple aggregation pipelines within a single stage on the same set of input documents.
- field(String) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.Group
Adds a field to the group.
- field(String) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.Group.GroupId
Adds a field to the group.
- field(String, Expression) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.ReplaceRoot
Adds a new field
- field(String, Fill.Method) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.Fill
Specifies an object indicating how to fill missing values in the target field.
- field(String, Stage...) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.Facet
Adds a field to the facet
- field(String, Object) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls.DocumentExpression
- field(String, Object) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls.IfNull
- field(String, Object) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls.Push
- field(String, Object) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.AddFields
Add a field to the stage
- field(String, Object) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.Fill
Specifies an object indicating how to fill missing values in the target field.
- field(String, Object) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.Group
Adds a named field to the group with an expression giving the value.
- field(String, Object) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.Group.GroupId
Adds a named field to the group with an expression giving the value.
- field(String, Object) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.ReplaceWith
Adds a new field
- field(String, Object) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.Set
Add a field to the stage
- Field - Annotation Interface in dev.morphia.annotations
Define a field to be used in an index;
- fields() - Element in annotation interface dev.morphia.annotations.Index
- FIELDS - Enum constant in enum class dev.morphia.mapping.PropertyDiscovery
Deprecated.look at fields
- fill() - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.Fill
Creates a new $fill stage
- fill(Fill) - Method in interface dev.morphia.aggregation.Aggregation
instead - Fill - Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.stages
Populates null and missing field values within documents.
- Fill.Method - Enum Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.stages
Possible methods for defining fill strategies.
- filter(Expression, Expression) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.ArrayExpressions
Selects a subset of the array to return an array with only the elements that match the filter condition.
- filter(Filter...) - Method in interface dev.morphia.query.Query
Adds filters to this query.
- filter(Object, Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.Expressions
- Filter - Class in dev.morphia.query.filters
Base class for query filters
- Filter(String) - Constructor for class dev.morphia.query.filters.Filter
- Filter(String, String, Object) - Constructor for class dev.morphia.query.filters.Filter
- FilterExpression - Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls
- Filters - Class in dev.morphia.query.filters
Defines helper methods to generate filter operations for queries.
- finalizeFunction(String) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls.AccumulatorExpression
- find(MongoCollection<T>, Document) - Method in class dev.morphia.MorphiaDatastore.DatastoreOperations
Finds all documents in the collection.
- find(Class<T>) - Method in interface dev.morphia.Datastore
Find instances of a type
- find(Class<T>, Document) - Method in interface dev.morphia.Datastore
Find instances of a type using a native query.
- findAndDelete() - Method in interface dev.morphia.query.Query
Deletes an entity from the database and returns it.
- findAndDelete(FindAndDeleteOptions) - Method in interface dev.morphia.query.Query
Deletes an entity from the database and returns it.
- FindAndDeleteOptions - Class in dev.morphia.query
Defines options to use for find and delete operations
- FindAndDeleteOptions() - Constructor for class dev.morphia.query.FindAndDeleteOptions
- findOneAndDelete(MongoCollection<T>, Document, FindAndDeleteOptions) - Method in class dev.morphia.MorphiaDatastore.DatastoreOperations
Atomically find a document and remove it.
- findOneAndUpdate(MongoCollection<T>, Document, Document, ModifyOptions) - Method in class dev.morphia.MorphiaDatastore.DatastoreOperations
Atomically find a document and update it.
- FindOptions - Class in dev.morphia.query
The options to apply to a find operation (also commonly referred to as a query).
- FindOptions() - Constructor for class dev.morphia.query.FindOptions
- first() - Method in interface dev.morphia.query.Query
Gets the first entity in the result set.
- first(FindOptions) - Method in interface dev.morphia.query.Query
Gets the first entity in the result set.
- first(Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.AccumulatorExpressions
Returns a value from the first document for each group.
- firstN(Object, Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.AccumulatorExpressions
Returns an aggregation of the first n elements within a group.
- floor(Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.MathExpressions
Returns the largest integer less than or equal to the specified number.
- foreignField(String) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.Lookup
Specifies the field from the documents in the from collection.
- format(Object) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls.DateFromString
- format(Object) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls.DateToString
- fqcn() - Element in annotation interface dev.morphia.annotations.PossibleValues
Indicates that a fully qualified class name maybe listed as well.
- fromValue(Object) - Static method in enum class dev.morphia.mapping.IndexType
Returns the enum instance for the given value
- full(Number) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.Densify.Range
Creates a "full" range with documents spanning the full range of values of the field being densified.
- fullDocument(FullDocument) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.ChangeStream
Specifies whether change notifications include a copy of the full document when modified by update operations.
- fullDocumentBeforeChange(FullDocumentBeforeChange) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.ChangeStream
Include the full document from before the change.
- function(String, Object...) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.AccumulatorExpressions
Defines a custom aggregation function or expression in JavaScript.
- GEO2D - Enum constant in enum class dev.morphia.mapping.IndexDirection
- GEO2D - Enum constant in enum class dev.morphia.mapping.IndexType
- GEO2DSPHERE - Enum constant in enum class dev.morphia.mapping.IndexDirection
geo2d sphere
- GEO2DSPHERE - Enum constant in enum class dev.morphia.mapping.IndexType
geo2d sphere
- geoIntersects(String, Geometry) - Static method in class dev.morphia.query.filters.Filters
Selects geometries that intersect with a GeoJSON geometry.
- geometry(String, Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.query.filters.Filters
Specifies a geometry in GeoJSON format to geospatial query operators.
- geoNear(double[]) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.GeoNear
Creates a new geoNear stage
- geoNear(Point) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.GeoNear
Creates a new geoNear stage
- geoNear(GeoNear) - Method in interface dev.morphia.aggregation.Aggregation
instead - geoNear(String) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.GeoNear
Creates a new geoNear stage
- GeoNear - Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.stages
Outputs documents in order of nearest to farthest from a specified point.
- GeoNear(String) - Constructor for class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.GeoNear
- geoWithin(String, MultiPolygon) - Static method in class dev.morphia.query.filters.Filters
Selects geometries within a bounding GeoJSON geometry.
- geoWithin(String, Polygon) - Static method in class dev.morphia.query.filters.Filters
Selects geometries within a bounding GeoJSON geometry.
- GeoWithinFilter - Class in dev.morphia.query.filters
Defines a $geoWithin filter.
- getField(Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.Miscellaneous
Returns the value of a specified field from a document.
- getField(String) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.Miscellaneous
Returns the value of a specified field from a document.
- GetFieldExpression - Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls
Returns the value of a specified field from a document.
- GetFieldExpression(Expression) - Constructor for class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls.GetFieldExpression
- getLoggedQuery() - Method in interface dev.morphia.query.Query
- getName() - Method in enum class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls.ConvertType
- getServerAddress() - Method in class dev.morphia.query.MorphiaCursor
- getServerCursor() - Method in class dev.morphia.query.MorphiaCursor
- getVariable() - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.GeoNear
- getZone() - Method in enum class dev.morphia.mapping.DateStorage
- granularity(BucketGranularity) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.AutoBucket
A string that specifies the preferred number series to use to ensure that the calculated boundary edges end on preferred round numbers or their powers of 10.
- graphLookup(GraphLookup) - Method in interface dev.morphia.aggregation.Aggregation
instead - graphLookup(Class<?>) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.GraphLookup
Target collection for the $graphLookup operation to search, recursively matching the connectFromField to the connectToField.
- graphLookup(String) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.GraphLookup
Target collection for the $graphLookup operation to search, recursively matching the connectFromField to the connectToField.
- GraphLookup - Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.stages
Performs a recursive search on a collection, with options for restricting the search by recursion depth and query filter.
- group() - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.Group
Creates a group stage with no ID definition
- group(Group) - Method in interface dev.morphia.aggregation.Aggregation
instead - group(Group.GroupId) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.Group
Creates a group stage with an ID definition
- Group - Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.stages
Groups input documents by the specified _id expression and for each distinct grouping, outputs a document.
- Group.GroupId - Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.stages
Defines a group ID
- groupBy(Object) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.AutoBucket
An expression to group documents by.
- groupBy(Object) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.Bucket
An expression to group documents by.
- gt(Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.query.filters.Filters
$gt selects those documents where the value is greater than the specified value.
- gt(Object, Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.ComparisonExpressions
Compares two values and returns: true when the first value is greater than the second value.
- gt(String, Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.query.filters.Filters
$gt selects those documents where the value of the field is greater than the specified value.
- gte(Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.query.filters.Filters
$gte selects the documents where the value of the target field is greater than or equal to a specified value
- gte(Object, Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.ComparisonExpressions
Compares two values and returns: true when the first value is greater than or equivalent to the second value.
- gte(String, Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.query.filters.Filters
$gte selects the documents where the value of the field is greater than or equal to a specified value
- Handler - Annotation Interface in dev.morphia.annotations
Defines a specific handler for a type above and beyond the codecs
- hasAnnotation(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in interface dev.morphia.EntityListener
This method checks for the presence of the given lifecycle event annotation on any of the methods of the type implementing this interface.
- HASHED - Enum constant in enum class dev.morphia.mapping.IndexType
- HASHED - Enum constant in enum class dev.morphia.mapping.ShardKeyType
hashed sharding
- hasNext() - Method in class dev.morphia.query.MorphiaCursor
- hint(String) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.AggregationOptions
Sets the hint for which index to use.
- hint(String) - Method in class dev.morphia.query.CountOptions
Defines the index hint value
- hint(String) - Method in class dev.morphia.query.FindOptions
Defines the index hint value
- hint(Bson) - Method in class dev.morphia.DeleteOptions
- hint(Bson) - Method in class dev.morphia.ModifyOptions
- hint(Bson) - Method in class dev.morphia.query.CountOptions
- hint(Bson) - Method in class dev.morphia.query.FindAndDeleteOptions
- hint(Bson) - Method in class dev.morphia.ReplaceOptions
- hint(Bson) - Method in class dev.morphia.UpdateOptions
- hint(Document) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.AggregationOptions
Sets the hint for which index to use.
- hint(Document) - Method in class dev.morphia.DeleteOptions
- hint(Document) - Method in class dev.morphia.ModifyOptions
- hint(Document) - Method in class dev.morphia.query.CountOptions
Defines the index hint value
- hint(Document) - Method in class dev.morphia.query.FindAndDeleteOptions
- hint(Document) - Method in class dev.morphia.query.FindOptions
Sets the index hint
- hint(Document) - Method in class dev.morphia.UpdateOptions
- hintString(String) - Method in class dev.morphia.DeleteOptions
- hintString(String) - Method in class dev.morphia.ModifyOptions
- hintString(String) - Method in class dev.morphia.query.CountOptions
- hintString(String) - Method in class dev.morphia.query.FindAndDeleteOptions
- hintString(String) - Method in class dev.morphia.query.FindOptions
Defines the index hint value
- hintString(String) - Method in class dev.morphia.ReplaceOptions
- hintString(String) - Method in class dev.morphia.UpdateOptions
- histogram(boolean) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.CollectionStats
Adds latency histogram information to the embedded documents in latencyStats if true.
- hour(Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.DateExpressions
Returns the hour for a date as a number between 0 and 23.
- hour(Object) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls.DateFromParts
Can be any expression that evaluates to a number.
- HOUR - Enum constant in enum class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.TimeUnit
- id() - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.Group
Creates an unnamed group ID
- id(Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.Group
Creates a named group ID
- Id - Annotation Interface in dev.morphia.annotations
Denotes the ID field on an entity.
- identity() - Static method in class dev.morphia.mapping.NamingStrategy
Defines a naming strategy that returns the value passed
- IdField - Annotation Interface in dev.morphia.annotations
Denotes the ID field on an entity.
- IdGetter - Annotation Interface in dev.morphia.annotations
This annotation allows the lazy-load proxy to return the ID of a referenced entity without reading the reference from the database.
- idleConnections(boolean) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.CurrentOp
If set to false, $currentOp will only report active operations.
- idleCursors(boolean) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.CurrentOp
If set to true, $currentOp will report on cursors that are “idle”; i.e. open but not currently active in a getMore operation.
- idleSessions(boolean) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.CurrentOp
Include idle sessions or not
- idOnly() - Element in annotation interface dev.morphia.annotations.Reference
- ifNull() - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.ConditionalExpressions
Evaluates an expression and returns the value of the expression if the expression evaluates to a non-null value.
- IfNull - Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls
Evaluates an expression and returns the value of the expression if the expression evaluates to a non-null value.
- ignoreFinals() - Method in interface dev.morphia.config.MorphiaConfig
Instructs Morphia to ignore final fields.
- ignoreFinals(Boolean) - Method in interface dev.morphia.config.MorphiaConfig
Updates this configuration with a new value and returns a new instance.
- ignoreMissing() - Element in annotation interface dev.morphia.annotations.Reference
- in(Iterable<?>) - Static method in class dev.morphia.query.filters.Filters
The $in operator selects the documents where the value of a field equals any value in a given array.
- in(Object, Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.ArrayExpressions
Returns a boolean indicating whether a specified value is in an array.
- in(String, Iterable<?>) - Static method in class dev.morphia.query.filters.Filters
The $in operator selects the documents where the value of a field equals any value in the specified array.
- inc(String) - Static method in class dev.morphia.query.updates.UpdateOperators
Increments the value of the field by one.
- inc(String, Number) - Static method in class dev.morphia.query.updates.UpdateOperators
Increments the value of the field by the specified amount.
- include(String) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.Projection
Includes a field.
- include(String...) - Method in class dev.morphia.query.Projection
Adds a field to the projection clause.
- include(String, Object) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.Projection
Includes a field.
- includeArrayIndex(String) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.Unwind
- includeLocs(String) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.GeoNear
- Index - Annotation Interface in dev.morphia.annotations
Defines an index
- IndexDirection - Enum Class in dev.morphia.mapping
Defines the "direction" of an index.
- Indexed - Annotation Interface in dev.morphia.annotations
Specified on fields that should be Indexed.
- Indexes - Annotation Interface in dev.morphia.annotations
Defines indexes for this entity type (on the collection)
- IndexExpression - Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls
Defines the $indexOfBytes expression
- indexKey(String) - Static method in class dev.morphia.query.Meta
- INDEXKEY - Enum constant in enum class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.MetadataKeyword
- indexOfArray(Object, Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.ArrayExpressions
Searches an array for an occurrence of a specified value and returns the array index of the first occurrence.
- indexOfBytes(Object, Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.StringExpressions
Searches a string for an occurrence of a substring and returns the UTF-8 byte index of the first occurrence.
- indexOfCP(Object, Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.StringExpressions
Searches a string for an occurrence of a substring and returns the UTF-8 code point index of the first occurrence.
- IndexOptions - Annotation Interface in dev.morphia.annotations
Defines the options to be used when declaring an index.
- indexStats() - Method in interface dev.morphia.aggregation.Aggregation
instead - indexStats() - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.IndexStats
Creates the new stage.
- IndexStats - Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.stages
Returns statistics regarding the use of each index for the collection.
- IndexType - Enum Class in dev.morphia.mapping
Defines the type of the index to create for a field.
- initArgs(List<Object>) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls.AccumulatorExpression
- input() - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls.IfNull
- input(Object) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls.GetFieldExpression
A valid expression that contains the field for which you want to return a value. input must resolve to an object, missing, null, or undefined.
- input(Object, Object...) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls.IfNull
- insert(List<T>) - Method in interface dev.morphia.Datastore
Inserts a List of entities in to the mapped collection.
- insert(List<T>, InsertManyOptions) - Method in interface dev.morphia.Datastore
Inserts entities in to the mapped collection.
- insert(T) - Method in interface dev.morphia.Datastore
Inserts an entity in to the mapped collection.
- insert(T, InsertOneOptions) - Method in interface dev.morphia.Datastore
Inserts an entity in to the mapped collection.
- insertMany(MongoCollection<T>, List<T>, InsertManyOptions) - Method in class dev.morphia.MorphiaDatastore.DatastoreOperations
Inserts one or more documents.
- InsertManyOptions - Class in dev.morphia
Options related to insertion of documents into MongoDB.
- InsertManyOptions() - Constructor for class dev.morphia.InsertManyOptions
Creates a new options wrapper
- insertOne(MongoCollection<T>, T, InsertOneOptions) - Method in class dev.morphia.MorphiaDatastore.DatastoreOperations
Inserts one document.
- InsertOneOptions - Class in dev.morphia
Options related to insertion of documents into MongoDB.
- InsertOneOptions() - Constructor for class dev.morphia.InsertOneOptions
Creates a new options wrapper
- INT - Enum constant in enum class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls.ConvertType
the int type
- INTEGER_32_BIT - Enum constant in enum class dev.morphia.query.Type
- INTEGER_64_BIT - Enum constant in enum class dev.morphia.query.Type
- integral(Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.WindowExpressions
Returns the approximation of the area under a curve, which is calculated using the trapezoidal rule where each set of adjacent documents form a trapezoid using the:
- into(Class<M>) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.Merge
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
- into(String) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.Merge
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
- into(String, String) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.Merge
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
- isArray(Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.ArrayExpressions
Determines if the operand is an array.
- isNumber(Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.TypeExpressions
Checks if the specified expression resolves to one of the numeric BSON types.
- iso8601(boolean) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls.DateToParts
- IsoDates - Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls
Reusable type for ISO Date related expressions.
- isoDayOfWeek(Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.DateExpressions
Returns the weekday number in ISO 8601 format, ranging from 1 (for Monday) to 7 (for Sunday).
- isoDayOfWeek(Object) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls.DateFromParts
Day of week (Monday 1 - Sunday 7).
- isoWeek(Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.DateExpressions
Returns the week number in ISO 8601 format, ranging from 1 to 53.
- isoWeek(Object) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls.DateFromParts
Week of year.
- isoWeekYear(Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.DateExpressions
Returns the year number in ISO 8601 format.
- isoWeekYear(Object) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls.DateFromParts
ISO Week Date Year.
- iterator() - Method in interface dev.morphia.query.Query
Execute the query and get the results.
- iterator(FindOptions) - Method in interface dev.morphia.query.Query
Execute the query and get the results.
- JAVASCRIPT - Enum constant in enum class dev.morphia.query.Type
- JAVASCRIPT_WITH_SCOPE - Enum constant in enum class dev.morphia.query.Type
javascript with scope
- jsonSchema(Document) - Static method in class dev.morphia.query.filters.Filters
Filters documents against the given JSON Schema.
- kebabCase() - Static method in class dev.morphia.mapping.NamingStrategy
Defines a naming strategy that returns kebab case of the value passed
- KEEP - Static variable in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.SystemVariables
One of the allowed results of a $redact expression.
- key(String) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.GeoNear
- keyword() - Method in enum class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.MetadataKeyword
- knownFields() - Method in class dev.morphia.query.Projection
Configure the project to only return known, mapped fields
- language() - Element in annotation interface dev.morphia.annotations.IndexOptions
- language(String) - Method in class dev.morphia.query.filters.TextSearchFilter
Sets the language to use
- languageOverride() - Element in annotation interface dev.morphia.annotations.IndexOptions
- last(Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.AccumulatorExpressions
Returns a value from the last document for each group.
- lastN(Object, Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.AccumulatorExpressions
Returns an aggregation of the last n elements within a group.
- lazy() - Element in annotation interface dev.morphia.annotations.Reference
- legacy() - Method in interface dev.morphia.config.MorphiaConfig
Creates a new configuration based on the current one but updated to reflect the legacy configuration.
- let(Expression) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.VariableExpressions
Binds variables for use in the specified expression, and returns the result of the expression.
- let(String, Expression) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.Merge
Specifies a variable accessible for use in the whenMatched pipeline
- let(String, Object) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.Lookup
Defines a variable
- let(Bson) - Method in class dev.morphia.DeleteOptions
- let(Bson) - Method in class dev.morphia.ModifyOptions
- let(Bson) - Method in class dev.morphia.query.FindAndDeleteOptions
- let(Bson) - Method in class dev.morphia.ReplaceOptions
- let(Bson) - Method in class dev.morphia.UpdateOptions
- let(Document) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.AggregationOptions
Defines any variables to use when evaluating the pipeline
- let(Document) - Method in class dev.morphia.query.FindOptions
Add top-level variables to the operation.
- LetExpression - Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls
Binds variables for use in the specified expression, and returns the result of the expression.
- level() - Element in annotation interface dev.morphia.annotations.Validation
- limit(int) - Static method in class dev.morphia.query.ArraySlice
- limit(int) - Method in class dev.morphia.query.CountOptions
- limit(int) - Method in class dev.morphia.query.FindOptions
Sets the limit
- limit(long) - Method in interface dev.morphia.aggregation.Aggregation
instead - limit(long) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.Limit
Creates the new stage.
- limit(Object) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls.FilterExpression
- Limit - Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.stages
Limits the number of documents passed to the next stage in the pipeline.
- LINEAR - Enum constant in enum class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.Fill.Method
the linear method
- linearFill(Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.WindowExpressions
Fills null and missing fields in a window using linear interpolation based on surrounding field values.
- literal(Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.Expressions
Returns a value without parsing.
- ln(Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.MathExpressions
Calculates the natural log of a number.
- load() - Static method in interface dev.morphia.config.MorphiaConfig
Tries to load a configuration from the default location.
- load(String) - Static method in interface dev.morphia.config.MorphiaConfig
Parses and loads the configuration found at the given location
- LoadOnly - Annotation Interface in dev.morphia.annotations
When placed on an entity field, the field will not be written to mongodb.
- locale() - Element in annotation interface dev.morphia.annotations.Collation
If this value is empty, no collation will be configured for an index.
- localField(String) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.Lookup
Specifies the field from the documents input to the $lookup stage.
- localOps(boolean) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.CurrentOp
If set to true for an aggregation running on mongos, $currentOp reports only those operations running locally on that mongos.
- locf(Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.WindowExpressions
Last observation carried forward.
- LOCF - Enum constant in enum class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.Fill.Method
the locf method
- log(Object, Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.MathExpressions
Calculates the log of a number in the specified base.
- log10(Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.MathExpressions
Calculates the log base 10 of a number.
- LogicalExpression - Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls
Defines a logical expression.
- logQuery() - Method in class dev.morphia.query.FindOptions
This is an experimental method.
- LONG - Enum constant in enum class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls.ConvertType
the long type
- lookup() - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.Lookup
Creates a new stage using the target collection
- lookup(Lookup) - Method in interface dev.morphia.aggregation.Aggregation
instead - lookup(Class<?>) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.Lookup
Creates a new stage using the target collection for the mapped type
- lookup(String) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.Lookup
Creates a new stage using the target collection
- Lookup - Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.stages
Performs a left outer join to an unsharded collection in the same database to filter in documents from the “joined” collection for processing.
- lowerCase() - Static method in class dev.morphia.mapping.NamingStrategy
Defines a naming strategy that returns the lowercase form of the value passed
- lowerClassName() - Static method in class dev.morphia.mapping.DiscriminatorFunction
Defines a function to use the lowercase class name for the discriminator value
- lowerSimpleName() - Static method in class dev.morphia.mapping.DiscriminatorFunction
Defines a function to use the lowercase simple class name for the discriminator value
- lt(Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.query.filters.Filters
$lt selects the documents where the value of the field is less than the specified value.
- lt(Object, Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.ComparisonExpressions
Creates a "less than" comparison.
- lt(String, Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.query.filters.Filters
$lt selects the documents where the value of the field is less than the specified value.
- lte(Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.query.filters.Filters
$lte selects the documents where the value is less than or equal to the specified value.
- lte(Object, Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.ComparisonExpressions
Compares two values and returns: true when the first value is less than or equivalent to the second value.
- lte(String, Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.query.filters.Filters
$lte selects the documents where the value of the field is less than or equal to the specified value.
- ltrim(Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.StringExpressions
Removes whitespace or the specified characters from the beginning of a string.
- map(Mapper, Class<?>) - Method in class dev.morphia.query.Projection
Converts this to Document form
- map(Object, Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.ArrayExpressions
Applies a subexpression to each element of an array and returns the array of resulting values in order.
- MapExpression - Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls
Applies a subexpression to each element of an array and returns the array of resulting values in order.
- MappingException - Exception in dev.morphia.mapping
An exception indicating an error mapping a type
- MappingException(String) - Constructor for exception dev.morphia.mapping.MappingException
Creates an exception with a message
- MappingException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception dev.morphia.mapping.MappingException
Creates an exception with a message and a cause
- match(Filter...) - Method in interface dev.morphia.aggregation.Aggregation
instead - match(Filter...) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.Match
Creates the new stage using the filters for matching
- Match - Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.stages
Limits the number of documents passed to the next stage in the pipeline.
- MathExpressions - Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions
Defines helper methods for the math expressions
- max(Object, Object...) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.AccumulatorExpressions
Returns the highest expression value for each group.
- max(String, Number) - Static method in class dev.morphia.query.updates.UpdateOperators
Only updates the field if the specified value is greater than the existing field value.
- max(String, Temporal) - Static method in class dev.morphia.query.updates.UpdateOperators
Only updates the field if the specified value is greater than the existing field value.
- max(String, Date) - Static method in class dev.morphia.query.updates.UpdateOperators
Only updates the field if the specified value is greater than the existing field value.
- max(Document) - Method in class dev.morphia.query.FindOptions
Sets the max index value
- MAX_KEY - Enum constant in enum class dev.morphia.query.Type
- maxAwaitTime(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.AggregationOptions
Specifies a time limit for processing operations on a cursor.
- maxAwaitTime(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class dev.morphia.query.FindOptions
Sets the max await time
- maxDepth(Integer) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.GraphLookup
- maxDistance(Double) - Method in class dev.morphia.query.filters.NearFilter
Sets the max distance to consider
- maxDistance(Number) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.GeoNear
- maxDistance(String, Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.query.filters.Filters
Specifies a maximum distance to limit the results of $near and $nearSphere queries.
- maxN(Object, Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.AccumulatorExpressions
Returns an aggregation of the max n elements within a group.
- maxTime(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.AggregationOptions
Specifies a time limit for processing operations on a cursor.
- maxTime(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class dev.morphia.ModifyOptions
- maxTime(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class dev.morphia.query.CountOptions
- maxTime(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class dev.morphia.query.FindAndDeleteOptions
- maxTime(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class dev.morphia.query.FindOptions
Sets the max time
- maxTimeMS(long) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.AggregationOptions
Specifies a time limit in milliseconds for processing operations on a cursor.
- maxVariable() - Element in annotation interface dev.morphia.annotations.Collation
- median(Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.MathExpressions
Returns an approximation of the median, the 50th percentile, as a scalar value.
- merge(Merge<M>) - Method in interface dev.morphia.aggregation.Aggregation
Writes the results of the aggregation pipeline to a specified collection.
- merge(Merge<M>, AggregationOptions) - Method in interface dev.morphia.aggregation.Aggregation
Writes the results of the aggregation pipeline to a specified collection.
- merge(Class<M>) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.Merge
Creates a new stage targeting the collection mapped for the given type
- merge(String) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.Merge
Creates a new stage targeting the collection
- merge(String, String) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.Merge
Creates a new stage targeting the database and collection
- merge(T) - Method in interface dev.morphia.Datastore
Work as if you did an update with each field in the entity doing a $set; Only at the top level of the entity.
- merge(T, InsertOneOptions) - Method in interface dev.morphia.Datastore
Work as if you did an update with each field in the entity doing a $set; Only at the top level of the entity.
- Merge<M> - Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.stages
Writes the results of the aggregation pipeline to a specified collection.
- mergeObjects() - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.ObjectExpressions
Combines multiple documents into a single document.
- MergeObjects - Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls
Defines the values to be merged.
- meta() - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.Expressions
Returns the metadata associated with a document in a pipeline operations, e.g.
- meta(MetadataKeyword) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.Expressions
Returns the metadata associated with a document in a pipeline operations, e.g.
- meta(String) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.Sort
Adds a sort by the computed textScore metadata in descending order.
- Meta - Class in dev.morphia.query
Defines $meta expression object
- META - Enum constant in enum class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.Sort.Direction
sort by meta/textScore
- MetadataKeyword - Enum Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions
- METHODS - Enum constant in enum class dev.morphia.mapping.PropertyDiscovery
Deprecated.look at methods
- millisecond(Object) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls.DateFromParts
Can be any expression that evaluates to a number.
- MILLISECOND - Enum constant in enum class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.TimeUnit
- milliseconds(Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.DateExpressions
Returns the milliseconds of a date as a number between 0 and 999.
- min(Object, Object...) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.AccumulatorExpressions
Returns the lowest expression value for each group.
- min(String, Number) - Static method in class dev.morphia.query.updates.UpdateOperators
Only updates the field if the specified value is less than the existing field value.
- min(String, Temporal) - Static method in class dev.morphia.query.updates.UpdateOperators
Only updates the field if the specified value is less than the existing field value.
- min(String, Date) - Static method in class dev.morphia.query.updates.UpdateOperators
Only updates the field if the specified value is less than the existing field value.
- min(Document) - Method in class dev.morphia.query.FindOptions
Sets the min index value
- MIN_KEY - Enum constant in enum class dev.morphia.query.Type
- minDistance(Double) - Method in class dev.morphia.query.filters.NearFilter
Sets the min distance to consider
- minDistance(Number) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.GeoNear
- minDistance(String, Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.query.filters.Filters
Specifies a minimum distance to limit the results of $near and $nearSphere queries.
- minN(Object, Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.AccumulatorExpressions
Returns an aggregation of the min n elements within a group.
- minute(Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.DateExpressions
Returns the minute for a date as a number between 0 and 59.
- minute(Object) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls.DateFromParts
Can be any expression that evaluates to a number.
- MINUTE - Enum constant in enum class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.TimeUnit
- Miscellaneous - Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions
Defines miscellaneous operators for aggregations.
- MissingIdException - Exception in dev.morphia
Thrown when an ID value is expected but not found.
- mod(Object, Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.MathExpressions
Returns the remainder of the first number divided by the second.
- mod(String, double, double) - Static method in class dev.morphia.query.filters.Filters
Performs a modulo operation on the value of a field and selects documents with a specified result.
- mod(String, long, long) - Static method in class dev.morphia.query.filters.Filters
Performs a modulo operation on the value of a field and selects documents with a specified result.
- model(EntityModel) - Method in class dev.morphia.query.updates.UpdateOperator
- modify(ModifyOptions, UpdateOperator, UpdateOperator...) - Method in interface dev.morphia.query.Query
Create a modify operation based on this query
- modify(UpdateOperator, UpdateOperator...) - Method in interface dev.morphia.query.Query
Create a modify operation based on this query
- ModifyOptions - Class in dev.morphia
Defines the options for a "find and modify" operation.
- ModifyOptions() - Constructor for class dev.morphia.ModifyOptions
- month(Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.DateExpressions
Returns the month for a date as a number between 1 (January) and 12 (December).
- month(Object) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls.DateFromParts
Can be any expression that evaluates to a number.
- MONTH - Enum constant in enum class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.TimeUnit
- Morphia - Class in dev.morphia
Entry point for working with Morphia
- MorphiaConfig - Interface in dev.morphia.config
Please note that there is every expectation that this format/naming is stable.
- MorphiaCursor<T> - Class in dev.morphia.query
- MorphiaDatastore.DatastoreOperations - Class in dev.morphia
Defines the various operations the driver performs on behalf of a Datastore
- MorphiaPropertyAnnotationProvider - Class in dev.morphia.config
- MorphiaPropertyAnnotationProvider() - Constructor for class dev.morphia.config.MorphiaPropertyAnnotationProvider
- MorphiaSession - Interface in dev.morphia.transactions
Wraps a ClientSession reference for convenient use of MongoDB's multidocument transaction support.
- MorphiaTransaction<T> - Interface in dev.morphia.transactions
Defines the functional interface for executing statements within a transaction.
- mul(String, Number) - Static method in class dev.morphia.query.updates.UpdateOperators
Multiplies the value of the field by the specified amount.
- multi(boolean) - Method in class dev.morphia.DeleteOptions
- multi(boolean) - Method in class dev.morphia.UpdateOptions
If true, sets this update to affect all matched documents.
- multiline() - Method in class dev.morphia.query.filters.RegexFilter
For patterns that include anchors (i.e. ^ for the start, $ for the end), match at the beginning or end of each line for strings with multiline values.
- multiply(Object, Object...) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.MathExpressions
Multiplies numbers together and returns the result.
- name() - Element in annotation interface dev.morphia.annotations.IndexOptions
- Name - Annotation Interface in dev.morphia.annotations
Defines a name for a constructor parameter.
- NamingStrategy - Class in dev.morphia.mapping
Defines a naming strategy for use, e.g., in naming collections and fields
- NamingStrategy() - Constructor for class dev.morphia.mapping.NamingStrategy
- naturalAscending() - Static method in class dev.morphia.query.Sort
Creates an ascending sort on a field
- naturalDescending() - Static method in class dev.morphia.query.Sort
Creates a descending natural sort on a field
- ne(Object, Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.ComparisonExpressions
Creates an inequality check expression
- ne(String, Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.query.filters.Filters
$ne selects the documents where the value of the field is not equal to the specified value.
- near(String, Point) - Static method in class dev.morphia.query.filters.Filters
Specifies a point for which a geospatial query returns the documents from nearest to farthest.
- NearFilter - Class in dev.morphia.query.filters
Defines a filter for $near and $nearSphere queries
- nearSphere(String, Point) - Static method in class dev.morphia.query.filters.Filters
Returns geospatial objects in proximity to a point on a sphere.
- next() - Method in class dev.morphia.query.MorphiaCursor
- nin(String, Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.query.filters.Filters
$nin selects the documents where: the field value is not in the specified array or the field does not exist.
- noCursorTimeout(boolean) - Method in class dev.morphia.query.FindOptions
Sets whether to disable cursor time out
- nor(Filter...) - Static method in class dev.morphia.query.filters.Filters
Applies $nor to a set of filters
- normalization() - Element in annotation interface dev.morphia.annotations.Collation
- not() - Method in class dev.morphia.query.filters.Filter
Negates this filter by wrapping in "$not: {}"
- not(Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.BooleanExpressions
Evaluates a boolean and returns the opposite boolean value; i.e. when passed an expression that evaluates to true, $not returns false; when passed an expression that evaluates to false, $not returns true.
- NotMappableException - Exception in dev.morphia.mapping
Indicates a type is not mappable by Morphia
- NOW - Static variable in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.SystemVariables
A variable that returns the current datetime value.
- NULL - Enum constant in enum class dev.morphia.query.Type
- numericOrdering() - Element in annotation interface dev.morphia.annotations.Collation
- numInitialChunks() - Element in annotation interface dev.morphia.annotations.ShardOptions
- OBJECT - Enum constant in enum class dev.morphia.query.Type
- OBJECT_ID - Enum constant in enum class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls.ConvertType
the ObjectId type
- OBJECT_ID - Enum constant in enum class dev.morphia.query.Type
- ObjectExpressions - Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions
Defines helper methods for the object expressions
- ObjectFactory - Interface in dev.morphia
The ObjectFactory is used by morphia to create instances of classes which can be customized to fit a particular applications needs.
- objectToArray(Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.ArrayExpressions
Converts a document to an array of documents representing key-value pairs.
- on(String, String...) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.Merge
- onError(Object) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls.ConvertExpression
The value to return on encountering an error during conversion, including unsupported type conversions.
- onError(Object) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls.DateFromString
- onNull(Object) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls.ConvertExpression
The value to return if the input is null or missing.
- onNull(Object) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls.DateFromString
- onNull(Object) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls.DateToString
- operator(Expression) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.SetWindowFields.Output
The operator to use in the output.
- oplogReplay(boolean) - Method in class dev.morphia.query.FindOptions
Deprecated.removed from the driver
- options() - Element in annotation interface dev.morphia.annotations.Index
- options() - Element in annotation interface dev.morphia.annotations.Indexed
- options() - Element in annotation interface dev.morphia.annotations.ShardKeys
The sharding options to apply.
- options() - Element in annotation interface dev.morphia.annotations.Text
- options() - Static method in class dev.morphia.query.PushOptions
Helper method to create a PushOptions instance
- options(String) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls.RegexExpression
Optional options to apply to the regex
- options(String) - Method in class dev.morphia.query.filters.RegexFilter
Optional options to apply to the regex
- or() - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.BooleanExpressions
Evaluates one or more values and returns true if any of the values are true.
- or(Filter...) - Static method in class dev.morphia.query.filters.Filters
Applies $or to a set of filters
- or(Object, Object...) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.BooleanExpressions
Evaluates one or more values and returns true if any of the values are true.
- or(String, int) - Static method in class dev.morphia.query.updates.UpdateOperators
The $bit operator performs a bitwise update of a field.
- ordered(boolean) - Method in class dev.morphia.InsertManyOptions
Sets whether the server should insert the documents in the order provided.
- out(Out<O>) - Method in interface dev.morphia.aggregation.Aggregation
Writes the results of the aggregation pipeline to a specified collection.
- out(Out<O>, AggregationOptions) - Method in interface dev.morphia.aggregation.Aggregation
Writes the results of the aggregation pipeline to a specified collection.
- out(Class<O>) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.Out
Creates a $out stage with target type/collection
- out(String) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.Out
Creates a $out stage with target collection
- Out<O> - Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.stages
Takes the documents returned by the aggregation pipeline and writes them to a specified collection.
- output(SetWindowFields.Output...) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.SetWindowFields
Specifies the field(s) to append to the documents in the output returned by the $setWindowFields stage.
- output(String) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.SetWindowFields.Output
Creates a named output
- outputField(String, Expression) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.AutoBucket
Adds a field to the document that specifies the fields to include in the output documents in addition to the _id field.
- outputField(String, Expression) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.Bucket
Adds a field to the document that specifies the fields to include in the output documents in addition to the _id field.
- packages() - Method in interface dev.morphia.config.MorphiaConfig
A comma delimited list of packages that Morphia should map.
- packages(List<String>) - Method in interface dev.morphia.config.MorphiaConfig
Updates this configuration with a new value and returns a new instance.
- partial(boolean) - Method in class dev.morphia.query.FindOptions
Get partial results from a sharded cluster if one or more shards are unreachable (instead of throwing an error).
- partialFilter() - Element in annotation interface dev.morphia.annotations.IndexOptions
- partition(Number) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.Densify.Range
Creates a partitioned range and adds documents to each partition, similar to if you had run a full range densification on each partition individually.
- partitionBy(Expression) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.Fill
Specifies an array of fields as the compound key to group the documents.
- partitionBy(Object) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.SetWindowFields
Defines the expression to use to partition the data.
- partitionByFields(String...) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.Densify
The set of fields to act as the compound key to group the documents.
- partitionByFields(String...) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.Fill
Specifies an array of fields as the compound key to group the documents.
- pattern(String) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls.RegexExpression
The regular expression
- pattern(Pattern) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls.RegexExpression
The regular expression
- percentile(Object, List<Object>) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.MathExpressions
Returns an array of scalar values that correspond to specified percentile values.
- percentile(List<Object>, List<Object>) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.MathExpressions
Returns an array of scalar values that correspond to specified percentile values.
- pipeline(Stage...) - Method in interface dev.morphia.aggregation.Aggregation
Appends the stages to this aggregation's pipeline.
- pipeline(Stage...) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.Lookup
Specifies the pipeline to run on the joined collection.
- pipeline(List<Stage>) - Method in interface dev.morphia.aggregation.Aggregation
- planCacheStats() - Method in interface dev.morphia.aggregation.Aggregation
instead - planCacheStats() - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.PlanCacheStats
Creates the new stage
- PlanCacheStats - Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.stages
Returns plan cache information for a collection.
- polygon(String, Point...) - Static method in class dev.morphia.query.filters.Filters
Specifies a polygon to using legacy coordinate pairs for $geoWithin queries.
- pop(String) - Static method in class dev.morphia.query.updates.UpdateOperators
The $pop operator removes the first or last element of an array.
- PopOperator - Class in dev.morphia.query.updates
Defines the $pop update operator.
- position() - Method in class dev.morphia.query.updates.PushOperator
- position(int) - Method in class dev.morphia.query.PushOptions
Sets the position for the update
- position(int) - Method in class dev.morphia.query.updates.PushOperator
Sets the position for the update
- position(Integer) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls.SliceExpression
- PossibleValues - Annotation Interface in dev.morphia.annotations
Denotes the possible values for a configuration option.
- postLoad(T, Document, Datastore) - Method in interface dev.morphia.EntityListener
- PostLoad - Annotation Interface in dev.morphia.annotations
Called after the data has been loaded into the java object.
- postPersist(T, Document, Datastore) - Method in interface dev.morphia.EntityListener
- PostPersist - Annotation Interface in dev.morphia.annotations
Called after the data has been persisted from the java object.
- pow(Object, Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.MathExpressions
Raises a number to the specified exponent.
- preLoad(T, Document, Datastore) - Method in interface dev.morphia.EntityListener
- PreLoad - Annotation Interface in dev.morphia.annotations
Called before the data has been loaded into the object.
- prePersist(T, Document, Datastore) - Method in interface dev.morphia.EntityListener
- PrePersist - Annotation Interface in dev.morphia.annotations
Called before the data has been persisted to the datastore (before mapping is done).
- preserveNullAndEmptyArrays(Boolean) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.Unwind
- presplitHashedZones() - Element in annotation interface dev.morphia.annotations.ShardOptions
- project() - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.Projection
Creates a new stage
- project(Projection) - Method in interface dev.morphia.aggregation.Aggregation
instead - project(Meta) - Method in class dev.morphia.query.Projection
Adds a metadata field to a projection.
- project(String, ArraySlice) - Method in class dev.morphia.query.Projection
Adds an sliced array field to a projection.
- projection(Bson) - Method in class dev.morphia.ModifyOptions
- projection(Bson) - Method in class dev.morphia.query.FindAndDeleteOptions
- Projection - Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.stages
Passes along the documents with the requested fields to the next stage in the pipeline.
- Projection - Class in dev.morphia.query
Defines a query projection
- Property - Annotation Interface in dev.morphia.annotations
Optional annotation for specifying persistence behavior
- PropertyAnnotationProvider<T> - Interface in dev.morphia.config
This type defines support for a given an annotation as usable to denoting an annotation on an entity and provides a conversion function to map it to a standard Morphia
annotation. - propertyAnnotationProviders() - Method in interface dev.morphia.config.MorphiaConfig
Specifies the providers of any external annotations to use as markers for properties for Morphia to consider while mapping.
- propertyAnnotationProviders(List<PropertyAnnotationProvider<?>>) - Method in interface dev.morphia.config.MorphiaConfig
Updates this configuration to include the new annotation providers for property discovery.
- propertyDiscovery() - Method in interface dev.morphia.config.MorphiaConfig
- propertyDiscovery(PropertyDiscovery) - Method in interface dev.morphia.config.MorphiaConfig
Updates this configuration with a new value and returns a new instance.
- PropertyDiscovery - Enum Class in dev.morphia.mapping
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.3.0 will evaluate both field and getter/setters for annotation so this setting becomes vestigial
- propertyNaming() - Method in interface dev.morphia.config.MorphiaConfig
Defines the strategy to use when generating property names to document field names for storage in the database when not explicitly set using
. - propertyNaming(NamingStrategy) - Method in interface dev.morphia.config.MorphiaConfig
Updates this configuration with a new value and returns a new instance.
- provides() - Method in class dev.morphia.config.MorphiaPropertyAnnotationProvider
- provides() - Method in interface dev.morphia.config.PropertyAnnotationProvider
- PRUNE - Static variable in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.SystemVariables
One of the allowed results of a $redact expression.
- pull(String, Filter...) - Static method in class dev.morphia.query.updates.UpdateOperators
The $pull operator removes from an existing array all instances of a value or values that match a specified condition.
- pull(String, Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.query.updates.UpdateOperators
The $pull operator removes from an existing array all instances of a value or values that match a specified condition.
- pullAll(String, List<?>) - Static method in class dev.morphia.query.updates.UpdateOperators
The $pullAll operator removes all instances of the specified values from an existing array.
- push() - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.AccumulatorExpressions
Returns an array of all values that result from applying an expression to each document in a group of documents that share the same group by key.
- push(Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.AccumulatorExpressions
Returns an array of expression values for each group.
- push(String, Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.query.updates.UpdateOperators
The $push operator appends a specified value to an array.
- push(String, List<?>) - Static method in class dev.morphia.query.updates.UpdateOperators
The $push operator appends a specified value to an array.
- Push - Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls
Returns an array of all values that result from applying an expression to each document in a group of documents that share the same group by key.
- PushOperator - Class in dev.morphia.query.updates
Defines the $push update operator
- PushOptions - Class in dev.morphia.query
The options to apply to a $push update operator.
- PushOptions() - Constructor for class dev.morphia.query.PushOptions
Creates an empty options class
- QUARTER - Enum constant in enum class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.TimeUnit
- query(Filter...) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.GeoNear
- Query<T> - Interface in dev.morphia.query
- queryByExample(T) - Method in interface dev.morphia.Datastore
Returns a new query based on the example object
- QueryException - Exception in dev.morphia.query
Error during query.
- QueryException(String) - Constructor for exception dev.morphia.query.QueryException
Creates a QueryException with a message
- QueryException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception dev.morphia.query.QueryException
Creates a QueryException with a message and a cause
- queryFactory() - Method in interface dev.morphia.config.MorphiaConfig
Specifies the query factory to use.
- queryFactory(QueryFactory) - Method in interface dev.morphia.config.MorphiaConfig
Updates this configuration with a new value and returns a new instance.
- QueryFactory - Interface in dev.morphia.query
A factory for queries.
- radiansToDegrees(Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.TrigonometryExpressions
Converts a value from radians to degrees.
- rand() - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.Miscellaneous
Returns a random float between 0 and 1.
- range(int, int) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.ArrayExpressions
Outputs an array containing a sequence of integers according to user-defined inputs.
- range(Object, Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.ArrayExpressions
Outputs an array containing a sequence of integers according to user-defined inputs.
- range(Object, Object) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.SetWindowFields.Window
A window where the lower and upper boundaries are defined using a range of values based on the sortBy field in the current document.
- range(Object, Object, TimeUnit) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.SetWindowFields.Window
A window where the lower and upper boundaries are defined using a range of values based on the sortBy field in the current document.
- RANGED - Enum constant in enum class dev.morphia.mapping.ShardKeyType
ranged sharding
- RangeExpression - Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls
Outputs an array containing a sequence of integers according to user-defined inputs.
- rank() - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.WindowExpressions
Returns the document position (known as the rank) relative to other documents in the $setWindowFields stage partition.
- readConcern(ReadConcern) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.AggregationOptions
Specifies the read concern.
- readConcern(ReadConcern) - Method in class dev.morphia.query.CountOptions
Sets the readConcern
- readConcern(ReadConcern) - Method in class dev.morphia.query.FindOptions
- readPreference(ReadPreference) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.AggregationOptions
Sets the read preference to use
- readPreference(ReadPreference) - Method in class dev.morphia.query.CountOptions
Sets the readPreference
- readPreference(ReadPreference) - Method in class dev.morphia.query.FindOptions
- redact(Expression) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.Redact
Creates a redaction stage with the given expression
- redact(Redact) - Method in interface dev.morphia.aggregation.Aggregation
instead - Redact - Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.stages
Restricts the contents of the documents based on information stored in the documents themselves.
- reduce(Object, Object, Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.ArrayExpressions
Applies an expression to each element in an array and combines them into a single value.
- Reference - Annotation Interface in dev.morphia.annotations
- refresh(T) - Method in interface dev.morphia.Datastore
Refreshes an existing entity to its current state in the database.
- regex(String, String) - Static method in class dev.morphia.query.filters.Filters
Selects documents where values match a specified regular expression.
- regex(String, Pattern) - Static method in class dev.morphia.query.filters.Filters
Selects documents where values match a specified regular expression.
- RegexExpression - Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls
Applies a regular expression (regex) to a string.
- RegexFilter - Class in dev.morphia.query.filters
Defines a regular expression filter
- regexFind(Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.StringExpressions
Applies a regular expression (regex) to a string and returns information on the first matched substring.
- regexFindAll(Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.StringExpressions
Applies a regular expression (regex) to a string and returns information on the all matched substrings.
- regexMatch(Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.StringExpressions
Applies a regular expression (regex) to a string and returns a boolean that indicates if a match is found or not.
- REGULAR_EXPRESSION - Enum constant in enum class dev.morphia.query.Type
- remove() - Method in class dev.morphia.query.MorphiaCursor
- REMOVE - Static variable in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.SystemVariables
A variable which evaluates to the missing value.
- removeFirst() - Method in class dev.morphia.query.updates.PopOperator
Remove the first element rather than the last.
- rename(String, String) - Static method in class dev.morphia.query.updates.UpdateOperators
Renames a field.
- replace(List<T>) - Method in interface dev.morphia.Datastore
Replaces a list of documents in the database
- replace(List<T>, ReplaceOptions) - Method in interface dev.morphia.Datastore
Replaces a list of documents in the database
- replace(T) - Method in interface dev.morphia.Datastore
Replaces a document in the database
- replace(T, ReplaceOptions) - Method in interface dev.morphia.Datastore
Replaces a document in the database
- replaceAll(Object, Object, Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.StringExpressions
Replaces all instances of a search string in an input string with a replacement string.
- replacement(Object) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls.IfNull
- replaceOne(MongoCollection<T>, T, Document, ReplaceOptions) - Method in class dev.morphia.MorphiaDatastore.DatastoreOperations
Replaces one document.
- replaceOne(Object, Object, Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.StringExpressions
Replaces the first instance of a search string in an input string with a replacement string.
- ReplaceOptions - Class in dev.morphia
Options related to insertion of documents into MongoDB.
- ReplaceOptions() - Constructor for class dev.morphia.ReplaceOptions
Creates a new options wrapper
- replaceRoot() - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.ReplaceRoot
Creates a new stage
- replaceRoot(ReplaceRoot) - Method in interface dev.morphia.aggregation.Aggregation
instead - replaceRoot(Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.ReplaceRoot
Creates a new stage to replace the root with the given expression.
- ReplaceRoot - Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.stages
Replaces the input document with the specified document.
- replaceWith() - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.ReplaceWith
Creates a new stage
- replaceWith(ReplaceWith) - Method in interface dev.morphia.aggregation.Aggregation
instead - replaceWith(Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.ReplaceWith
Creates a new stage to replace the root with the given expression.
- ReplaceWith - Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.stages
Replaces the input document with the specified document.
- restrict(Filter...) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.GraphLookup
- resumeAfter(Document) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.ChangeStream
Specifies a resume token as the logical starting point for the change stream.
- returnDocument(ReturnDocument) - Method in class dev.morphia.ModifyOptions
- returnKey(boolean) - Method in class dev.morphia.query.FindOptions
Sets if only the key value should be returned
- reverseArray(Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.ArrayExpressions
Returns an array with the elements in reverse order.
- ROOT - Static variable in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.SystemVariables
References the root document, i.e. the top-level document, currently being processed in the aggregation pipeline stage.
- round(Object, Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.MathExpressions
Rounds a number to a whole integer or to a specified decimal place.
- rtrim(Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.StringExpressions
Removes whitespace or the specified characters from the end of a string.
- runCommand(Document) - Method in class dev.morphia.MorphiaDatastore.DatastoreOperations
Runs a command on the server
- sample(long) - Method in interface dev.morphia.aggregation.Aggregation
instead - sample(long) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.Sample
Creates a new stage with the given sample size.
- Sample - Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.stages
Randomly selects the specified number of documents from its input.
- sampleRate(double) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.Miscellaneous
Matches a random selection of input documents.
- save(List<T>) - Method in interface dev.morphia.Datastore
Saves the entities (Objects) and updates the @Id field
- save(List<T>, InsertManyOptions) - Method in interface dev.morphia.Datastore
Saves the entities (Objects) and updates the @Id field
- save(T) - Method in interface dev.morphia.Datastore
Saves an entity (Object) and updates the @Id field
- save(T, InsertOneOptions) - Method in interface dev.morphia.Datastore
Saves an entity (Object) and updates the @Id field
- scale(Integer) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.CollectionStats
Specify the scale factor (i.e. storageStats: { scale: <number> }) to use the specified scale factor for the various size data.
- searchHighlights(String) - Static method in class dev.morphia.query.Meta
- searchScore(String) - Static method in class dev.morphia.query.Meta
- second(Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.DateExpressions
Returns the seconds for a date as a number between 0 and 60 (leap seconds).
- second(Object) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls.DateFromParts
Can be any expression that evaluates to a number.
- SECOND - Enum constant in enum class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.TimeUnit
- set() - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.Set
Creates a new Set stage
- set(Set) - Method in interface dev.morphia.aggregation.Aggregation
instead - set(Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.query.updates.UpdateOperators
The $set operator replaces the value of a field with the specified value.
- set(String, Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.query.updates.UpdateOperators
The $set operator replaces the value of a field with the specified value.
- Set - Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.stages
Adds new fields to documents.
- setDifference(Object, Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.SetExpressions
Returns a set with elements that appear in the first set but not in the second set; i.e. performs a relative complement of the second set relative to the first.
- setEquals(Object, Object...) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.SetExpressions
Returns true if the input sets have the same distinct elements.
- SetExpressions - Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions
Defines helper methods for the set expressions
- setField(Object, Object, Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.Miscellaneous
Adds, updates, or removes a specified field in a document.
- setIntersection(Object, Object...) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.SetExpressions
Returns a set with elements that appear in all of the input sets.
- setIsSubset(Object, Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.SetExpressions
Returns true if all elements of the first set appear in the second set, including when the first set equals the second set; i.e.
- setOnInsert(Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class dev.morphia.query.updates.UpdateOperators
If an update operation with upsert: true results in an insert of a document, then $setOnInsert assigns the specified values to the fields in the document.
- setUnion(Object, Object...) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.SetExpressions
Returns a set with elements that appear in any of the input sets.
- setWindowFields() - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.SetWindowFields
Performs operations on a specified span of documents in a collection, known as a window, and returns the results based on the chosen window operator.
- setWindowFields(SetWindowFields) - Method in interface dev.morphia.aggregation.Aggregation
instead - SetWindowFields - Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.stages
Performs operations on a specified span of documents in a collection, known as a window, and returns the results based on the chosen window operator.
- SetWindowFields.Output - Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.stages
Specifies the field(s) to append to the documents in the output returned by the $setWindowFields stage.
- SetWindowFields.Window - Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.stages
Specifies the window boundaries and parameters.
- ShardKey - Annotation Interface in dev.morphia.annotations
Defines a shard key of a particular type
- ShardKeys - Annotation Interface in dev.morphia.annotations
Defines the properties used in the shard key.
- ShardKeyType - Enum Class in dev.morphia.mapping
Defines the kind of sharding to perform.
- ShardOptions - Annotation Interface in dev.morphia.annotations
Specifies options to be applied when sharding.
- shift(Object, long, Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.WindowExpressions
Returns the value from an expression applied to a document in a specified position relative to the current document in the $setWindowFields stage partition.
- showRecordId(boolean) - Method in class dev.morphia.query.FindOptions
Sets if the record ID should be returned
- simpleName() - Static method in class dev.morphia.mapping.DiscriminatorFunction
Defines a function to use the simple class name for the discriminator value
- sin(Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.TrigonometryExpressions
Returns the sine of a value that is measured in radians.
- single(Object) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls.Push
Pushes a single, unnamed value
- sinh(Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.TrigonometryExpressions
Returns the hyperbolic sine of a value that is measured in radians.
- size(Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.ArrayExpressions
Counts and returns the total number of items in an array.
- size(String, int) - Static method in class dev.morphia.query.filters.Filters
Selects documents if the array field is a specified size.
- skip(int) - Method in class dev.morphia.query.CountOptions
- skip(int) - Method in class dev.morphia.query.FindOptions
Sets how many documents to skip
- skip(long) - Method in interface dev.morphia.aggregation.Aggregation
instead - skip(long) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.Skip
Creates a new stage with the given skip size
- skip(Integer) - Method in class dev.morphia.query.ArraySlice
- Skip - Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.stages
Randomly selects the specified number of documents from its input.
- slice() - Method in class dev.morphia.query.updates.PushOperator
- slice(int) - Method in class dev.morphia.query.PushOptions
Sets the slice value for the update
- slice(int) - Method in class dev.morphia.query.updates.PushOperator
Sets the slice value for the update
- slice(Object, int) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.ArrayExpressions
Returns a subset of an array.
- SliceExpression - Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls
Returns a subset of an array.
- snakeCase() - Static method in class dev.morphia.mapping.NamingStrategy
Defines a naming strategy that returns snake case of the value passed
- sort() - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.Sort
Creates a sort stage.
- sort() - Method in class dev.morphia.query.updates.PushOperator
- sort(int) - Method in class dev.morphia.query.PushOptions
Sets the sort value for the update
- sort(int) - Method in class dev.morphia.query.updates.PushOperator
Sets the sort value for the update
- sort(Sort) - Method in interface dev.morphia.aggregation.Aggregation
instead - sort(Meta) - Method in class dev.morphia.query.FindOptions
Sets to the sort to use
- sort(Meta, Sort...) - Method in class dev.morphia.query.FindOptions
Sets to the sort to use
- sort(Sort) - Method in class dev.morphia.query.updates.PushOperator
Sets the sort value for the update
- sort(Sort...) - Method in class dev.morphia.query.FindOptions
Sets to the sort to use
- sort(String, int) - Method in class dev.morphia.query.PushOptions
Sets the sort value for the update
- sort(Bson) - Method in class dev.morphia.ModifyOptions
- sort(Bson) - Method in class dev.morphia.query.FindAndDeleteOptions
- sort(Bson) - Method in class dev.morphia.ReplaceOptions
- sort(Bson) - Method in class dev.morphia.UpdateOptions
- sort(Document) - Method in class dev.morphia.query.FindAndDeleteOptions
- sort(Document) - Method in class dev.morphia.query.FindOptions
Sets to the sort to use
- Sort - Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.stages
Sorts all input documents and returns them to the pipeline in sorted order.
- Sort - Class in dev.morphia.query
Used for sorting query results or defining a sort stage in an aggregation pipeline
- Sort.Direction - Enum Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.stages
The sort types
- sortArray(Object, Sort...) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.ArrayExpressions
Sorts an array based on its elements.
- sortBy(Sort...) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.Fill
Specifies the field or fields to sort the documents within each partition.
- sortBy(Sort...) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.SetWindowFields
Specifies the field(s) to sort the documents by in the partition.
- sortByCount(Expression) - Method in interface dev.morphia.aggregation.Aggregation
instead - sortByCount(Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.SortByCount
Creates a new stage grouping by the given expression.
- SortByCount - Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.stages
Groups incoming documents based on the value of a specified expression, then computes the count of documents in each distinct group.
- sortDocument() - Method in class dev.morphia.query.updates.PushOperator
- sparse() - Element in annotation interface dev.morphia.annotations.IndexOptions
- special() - Method in class dev.morphia.query.filters.RegexFilter
Allows the dot character (i.e.
- spherical(Boolean) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.GeoNear
- split(Object, Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.StringExpressions
Splits a string into substrings based on a delimiter.
- sqrt(Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.MathExpressions
Calculates the square root.
- Stage - Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.stages
Base type for stages.
- start(int) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls.IndexExpression
Sets the start boundary for searching
- start(Integer) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls.ArrayIndexExpression
The starting index
- startAfter(Document) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.ChangeStream
Specifies a resume token as the logical starting point for the change stream.
- startAtOperationTime(LocalDateTime) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.ChangeStream
Specifies a time as the logical starting point for the change stream.
- startOfWeek(DayOfWeek) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls.DateDiffExpression
The start of the week.
- startOfWeek(DayOfWeek) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls.DateTruncExpression
The start of the week.
- startSession() - Method in interface dev.morphia.Datastore
Starts a new session on the server.
- startSession(ClientSessionOptions) - Method in interface dev.morphia.Datastore
Starts a new session on the server.
- startWith(Object) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.GraphLookup
Expression that specifies the value of the connectFromField with which to start the recursive search.
- stdDevPop(Object, Object...) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.WindowExpressions
Returns the population standard deviation of the input values.
- stdDevSamp(Object, Object...) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.WindowExpressions
Returns the sample standard deviation of the input values.
- step(Integer) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls.RangeExpression
- storeEmpties() - Method in interface dev.morphia.config.MorphiaConfig
Instructs Morphia on how to handle empty Collections and Maps.
- storeEmpties(Boolean) - Method in interface dev.morphia.config.MorphiaConfig
Updates this configuration with a new value and returns a new instance.
- storeNulls() - Method in interface dev.morphia.config.MorphiaConfig
Instructs Morphia on how to handle null property values.
- storeNulls(Boolean) - Method in interface dev.morphia.config.MorphiaConfig
Updates this configuration with a new value and returns a new instance.
- strcasecmp(Object, Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.StringExpressions
Performs case-insensitive string comparison and returns: 0 if two strings are equivalent, 1 if the first string is greater than the second, and -1 if the first string is less than the second.
- stream() - Method in interface dev.morphia.query.Query
Provides a
representation of the results of this query. - stream(FindOptions) - Method in interface dev.morphia.query.Query
Provides a
representation of the results of this query. - strength() - Element in annotation interface dev.morphia.annotations.Collation
- STRING - Enum constant in enum class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls.ConvertType
the string type
- STRING - Enum constant in enum class dev.morphia.query.Type
- StringExpressions - Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions
Defines helper methods for the string expressions
- strLenBytes(Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.StringExpressions
Returns the number of UTF-8 encoded bytes in a string.
- strLenCP(Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.StringExpressions
Returns the number of UTF-8 code points in a string.
- substrBytes(Object, int, int) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.StringExpressions
Returns the substring of a string.
- substrBytes(Object, Object, Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.StringExpressions
Returns the substring of a string.
- substrCP(Object, Object, Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.StringExpressions
Returns the substring of a string.
- subtract(Object, Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.MathExpressions
Returns the result of subtracting the second value from the first.
- sum(Object, Object...) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.AccumulatorExpressions
Calculates and returns the sum of numeric values.
- suppressId() - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.Projection
Suppresses the _id field in the resulting document.
- switchExpression() - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.ConditionalExpressions
Evaluates a series of case expressions.
- SwitchExpression - Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls
Evaluates a series of case expressions.
- SYMBOL - Enum constant in enum class dev.morphia.query.Type
- SYSTEM_DEFAULT - Enum constant in enum class dev.morphia.mapping.DateStorage
the system default format
- SystemVariables - Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions
Defines helper fields for referencing system variables
- tan(Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.TrigonometryExpressions
Returns the tangent of a value that is measured in radians.
- tanh(Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.TrigonometryExpressions
Returns the hyperbolic tangent of a value that is measured in radians.
- target() - Element in annotation interface dev.morphia.annotations.ExternalEntity
The external target type being mapped.
- target(Object) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls.IfNull
- text(String) - Static method in class dev.morphia.query.filters.Filters
Performs text search.
- Text - Annotation Interface in dev.morphia.annotations
Marks this field for inclusion in text indexing.
- TEXT - Enum constant in enum class dev.morphia.mapping.IndexType
- textScore(String) - Static method in class dev.morphia.query.Meta
- TEXTSCORE - Enum constant in enum class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.MetadataKeyword
- TextSearchFilter - Class in dev.morphia.query.filters
Defines a text search filter
- timeoutMode() - Method in class dev.morphia.query.FindOptions
- timeoutMode(TimeoutMode) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.AggregationOptions
Sets the timeout mode
- timeoutMode(TimeoutMode) - Method in class dev.morphia.query.FindOptions
- TIMESTAMP - Enum constant in enum class dev.morphia.query.Type
- TIMESTAMP - Enum constant in enum class dev.morphia.query.updates.CurrentDateOperator.TypeSpecification
the timestamp type
- TimeUnit - Enum Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions
Defines units of time for use in expressions
- timezone(Expression) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls.DateDiffExpression
The timezone to carry out the operation.
- timezone(Object) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls.DateDeltaExpression
The timezone to carry out the operation.
- timezone(Object) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls.DateFromParts
Can be any expression that evaluates to a string whose value is either: an Olson Timezone Identifier, such as "Europe/London" or "America/New_York", or a UTC offset in the form: +/-[hh]:[mm], e.g. "+04:45", or +/-[hh][mm], e.g. "-0530", or +/-[hh], e.g. "+03".
- timezone(Object) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls.DateToParts
The optional timezone to use to format the date.
- timezone(Object) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls.DateTruncExpression
The timezone to carry out the operation.
- timezone(Object) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls.IsoDates
The optional timezone to use to format the date.
- timeZone(Object) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls.DateFromString
- timeZone(Object) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls.DateToString
- to(Class<O>) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.Out
- to(String) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.Out
- toBool(Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.TypeExpressions
Converts value to a boolean.
- toConfigFormat(boolean) - Method in interface dev.morphia.config.MorphiaConfig
Converts this instance in to the format needed for a configuration file
- toDate(Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.DateExpressions
Converts a value to a date.
- toDate(Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.TypeExpressions
Converts value to a Date.
- toDecimal(Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.TypeExpressions
Converts value to a Decimal128.
- toDouble(Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.TypeExpressions
Converts value to a double.
- toIndexValue() - Method in enum class dev.morphia.mapping.IndexDirection
Returns the value as needed by the index definition document
- toIndexValue() - Method in enum class dev.morphia.mapping.IndexType
Returns the value as needed by the index definition document
- toInt(Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.TypeExpressions
Converts value to an integer.
- toList() - Method in class dev.morphia.query.MorphiaCursor
Converts this cursor to a List.
- toLong(Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.TypeExpressions
Converts value to a long.
- toLower(Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.StringExpressions
Converts a string to lowercase.
- toObjectId(Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.TypeExpressions
Converts value to an ObjectId.
- top(Object, Sort...) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.AccumulatorExpressions
Returns the top element within a group according to the specified sort order.
- topN(Object, Object, Sort...) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.AccumulatorExpressions
Returns an aggregation of the top n elements within a group, according to the specified sort order.
- toString() - Method in class dev.morphia.query.Projection
- toString() - Method in class dev.morphia.query.updates.UpdateOperator
- toString(Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.StringExpressions
Converts value to a string.
- toString(Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.TypeExpressions
Converts value to a string.
- toUpper(Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.StringExpressions
Converts a string to uppercase.
- toUuid(Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.TypeExpressions
- Transient - Annotation Interface in dev.morphia.annotations
- TrigonometryExpressions - Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions
Defines helper methods for the trigonometry expressions
- trim(Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.StringExpressions
Removes whitespace or the specified characters from the beginning and end of a string.
- TrimExpression - Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls
Removes whitespace or the specified characters from a string.
- trunc(Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.MathExpressions
Truncates a number to a whole integer or to a specified decimal place.
- trunc(Object, Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.MathExpressions
Truncates a number to a whole integer or to a specified decimal place.
- tryNext() - Method in class dev.morphia.query.MorphiaCursor
- tsIncrement(Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.DateExpressions
Returns the incrementing ordinal from a timestamp as a long.
- tsSecond(Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.DateExpressions
Returns the seconds from a timestamp as a long.
- type() - Element in annotation interface dev.morphia.annotations.Field
- type() - Element in annotation interface dev.morphia.annotations.ShardKey
The type of sharding to use.
- type(CurrentDateOperator.TypeSpecification) - Method in class dev.morphia.query.updates.CurrentDateOperator
Sets the type of value to set when updating the field
- type(Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.TypeExpressions
Return the BSON data type of the field.
- type(String, Type...) - Static method in class dev.morphia.query.filters.Filters
Selects documents if a field is of the specified type.
- Type - Enum Class in dev.morphia.query
Defines BSON types for use in querying against field types.
- TypeExpressions - Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions
Defines helper methods for the type expressions
- UNDEFINED - Enum constant in enum class dev.morphia.query.Type
- unionWith(Stage...) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.UnionWith
Performs a union of two collections; i.e.
- unionWith(Class<?>, Stage...) - Method in interface dev.morphia.aggregation.Aggregation
instead - unionWith(Class<?>, Stage...) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.UnionWith
Performs a union of two collections; i.e.
- unionWith(String, Stage...) - Method in interface dev.morphia.aggregation.Aggregation
instead - unionWith(String, Stage...) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.UnionWith
Performs a union of two collections; i.e.
- UnionWith - Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.stages
Performs a union of two collections; i.e.
- unique() - Element in annotation interface dev.morphia.annotations.IndexOptions
- unique() - Element in annotation interface dev.morphia.annotations.ShardOptions
- uniqueDocs(String, Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.query.filters.Filters
- unit(TimeUnit) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls.CalculusExpression
Sets the unit of time for the expression
- unit(TimeUnit) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.Densify.Range
The unit to apply to the step field when incrementing date values in field.
- unset(Unset) - Method in interface dev.morphia.aggregation.Aggregation
instead - unset(String, String...) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.Unset
Creates a new stage with the given fields
- unset(String, String...) - Static method in class dev.morphia.query.updates.UpdateOperators
The $unset operator deletes a particular field.
- Unset - Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.stages
Removes/excludes fields from documents.
- unsetField(Object, Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.Miscellaneous
Removes a specified field in a document.
- unsetMissing(boolean) - Method in class dev.morphia.InsertOneOptions
Applies the rules for storing null/empty values for fields no present in the object to be merged.
- unwind(Unwind) - Method in interface dev.morphia.aggregation.Aggregation
instead - unwind(String) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.Unwind
Creates a stage with the named array field
- Unwind - Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.stages
Deconstructs an array field from the input documents to output a document for each element.
- update(Stage, Stage...) - Method in interface dev.morphia.query.Query
Creates an update operation based on this query
- update(UpdateOperator...) - Method in interface dev.morphia.query.Query
Creates an update operation based on this query
- update(UpdateOptions, Stage, Stage...) - Method in interface dev.morphia.query.Query
Creates an update operation based on this query
- update(UpdateOptions, UpdateOperator...) - Method in interface dev.morphia.query.Query
Creates an update operation based on this query
- UpdateException - Exception in dev.morphia.query
Error during update.
- UpdateException(String) - Constructor for exception dev.morphia.query.UpdateException
Creates a UpdateException with a message and a cause
- UpdateException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception dev.morphia.query.UpdateException
Creates a UpdateException with a message and a cause
- updateMany(MongoCollection<T>, Document, List<Document>, UpdateOptions) - Method in class dev.morphia.MorphiaDatastore.DatastoreOperations
Updates one or more documents.
- updateMany(MongoCollection<T>, Document, Document, UpdateOptions) - Method in class dev.morphia.MorphiaDatastore.DatastoreOperations
Updates one or more documents.
- updateOne(MongoCollection<T>, Document, List<Document>, UpdateOptions) - Method in class dev.morphia.MorphiaDatastore.DatastoreOperations
Updates one document.
- updateOne(MongoCollection<T>, Document, Document, UpdateOptions) - Method in class dev.morphia.MorphiaDatastore.DatastoreOperations
Updates one document.
- UpdateOperator - Class in dev.morphia.query.updates
Defines an update operator
- UpdateOperators - Class in dev.morphia.query.updates
Defines helper methods for specifying operations for updates or findAndModify
- UpdateOptions - Class in dev.morphia
The options to apply when updating documents in the MongoCollection
- UpdateOptions() - Constructor for class dev.morphia.UpdateOptions
- upsert(boolean) - Method in class dev.morphia.ModifyOptions
- upsert(boolean) - Method in class dev.morphia.ReplaceOptions
- upsert(boolean) - Method in class dev.morphia.UpdateOptions
- useDiscriminator() - Element in annotation interface dev.morphia.annotations.Entity
- useDiscriminator() - Element in annotation interface dev.morphia.annotations.ExternalEntity
- useLongestLength(Boolean) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls.ZipExpression
Specifies whether the length of the longest array determines the number of arrays in the output array.
- UTC - Enum constant in enum class dev.morphia.mapping.DateStorage
the UTC format
- val() - Method in enum class dev.morphia.query.Type
- Validation - Annotation Interface in dev.morphia.annotations
Defines the document validation logic for a collection.
- ValidationException - Exception in dev.morphia.query
Error during validation.
- ValidationException(String) - Constructor for exception dev.morphia.query.ValidationException
Creates a ValidationException with a message and a cause
- ValidationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception dev.morphia.query.ValidationException
Creates a ValidationException with a message and a cause
- value() - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls.MergeObjects
- value() - Element in annotation interface dev.morphia.annotations.AlsoLoad
- value() - Element in annotation interface dev.morphia.annotations.CappedAt
- value() - Element in annotation interface dev.morphia.annotations.Entity
- value() - Element in annotation interface dev.morphia.annotations.EntityListeners
- value() - Element in annotation interface dev.morphia.annotations.ExternalEntity
- value() - Element in annotation interface dev.morphia.annotations.Field
- value() - Element in annotation interface dev.morphia.annotations.Handler
- value() - Element in annotation interface dev.morphia.annotations.IdField
- value() - Element in annotation interface dev.morphia.annotations.Indexed
- value() - Element in annotation interface dev.morphia.annotations.Indexes
- value() - Element in annotation interface dev.morphia.annotations.Name
- value() - Element in annotation interface dev.morphia.annotations.PossibleValues
- value() - Element in annotation interface dev.morphia.annotations.Property
- value() - Element in annotation interface dev.morphia.annotations.Reference
- value() - Element in annotation interface dev.morphia.annotations.ShardKey
The shard key value
- value() - Element in annotation interface dev.morphia.annotations.ShardKeys
The shard keys
- value() - Element in annotation interface dev.morphia.annotations.Text
- value() - Element in annotation interface dev.morphia.annotations.Validation
- value() - Element in annotation interface dev.morphia.annotations.Version
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls.ConvertType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.MetadataKeyword
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.TimeUnit
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.Fill.Method
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.Sort.Direction
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class dev.morphia.mapping.DateStorage
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class dev.morphia.mapping.IndexDirection
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class dev.morphia.mapping.IndexType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class dev.morphia.mapping.PropertyDiscovery
Deprecated.Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class dev.morphia.mapping.ShardKeyType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class dev.morphia.query.Type
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class dev.morphia.query.updates.CurrentDateOperator.TypeSpecification
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- values() - Static method in enum class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls.ConvertType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.MetadataKeyword
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.TimeUnit
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.Fill.Method
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.Sort.Direction
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class dev.morphia.mapping.DateStorage
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class dev.morphia.mapping.IndexDirection
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class dev.morphia.mapping.IndexType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class dev.morphia.mapping.PropertyDiscovery
Deprecated.Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class dev.morphia.mapping.ShardKeyType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class dev.morphia.query.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class dev.morphia.query.updates.CurrentDateOperator.TypeSpecification
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- variable(String, Expression) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls.LetExpression
Defines a new variable
- VariableExpressions - Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions
Defines helper methods for the variable expressions
- Version - Annotation Interface in dev.morphia.annotations
supposed to be used on a Long or long field for optimistic locking.
- VersionMismatchException - Exception in dev.morphia
This exception is thrown when a version field does not match the expected state in the database.
- VersionMismatchException(Class<?>, Object) - Constructor for exception dev.morphia.VersionMismatchException
Creates a new exception with a message.
- week(Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.DateExpressions
Returns the week number for a date as a number between 0 (the partial week that precedes the first Sunday of the year) and 53 (leap year).
- WEEK - Enum constant in enum class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.TimeUnit
- weight() - Element in annotation interface dev.morphia.annotations.Field
- whenMatched(MergeOptions.WhenMatched) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.Merge
- whenMatched(Stage...) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.Merge
- whenMatched(List<Stage>) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.Merge
- whenNotMatched(MergeOptions.WhenNotMatched) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.Merge
- where(String) - Static method in class dev.morphia.query.filters.Filters
Matches documents that satisfy a JavaScript expression.
- window() - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.stages.SetWindowFields.Output
Creates a new window.
- WindowExpressions - Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions
Provides window specific operations.
- withTransaction(ClientSessionOptions, MorphiaTransaction<T>) - Method in interface dev.morphia.Datastore
- withTransaction(MorphiaTransaction<T>) - Method in interface dev.morphia.Datastore
- writeConcern() - Method in class dev.morphia.ModifyOptions
- writeConcern() - Method in class dev.morphia.ReplaceOptions
The write concern to use for the insertion.
- writeConcern(WriteConcern) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.AggregationOptions
Sets the write concern to use
- writeConcern(WriteConcern) - Method in class dev.morphia.DeleteOptions
Sets the write concern
- writeConcern(WriteConcern) - Method in class dev.morphia.InsertManyOptions
- writeConcern(WriteConcern) - Method in class dev.morphia.InsertOneOptions
Set the write concern to use for the insert.
- writeConcern(WriteConcern) - Method in class dev.morphia.ModifyOptions
- writeConcern(WriteConcern) - Method in class dev.morphia.query.FindAndDeleteOptions
Sets the write concern
- writeConcern(WriteConcern) - Method in class dev.morphia.ReplaceOptions
Sets the write concern to use for the insert.
- writeConcern(WriteConcern) - Method in class dev.morphia.UpdateOptions
Sets the write concern
- xor(String, int) - Static method in class dev.morphia.query.updates.UpdateOperators
The $bit operator performs a bitwise update of a field.
- year(Object) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.DateExpressions
Returns the year for a date as a number (e.g. 2014).
- year(Object) - Method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls.DateFromParts
Calendar year.
- YEAR - Enum constant in enum class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.TimeUnit
- zip(Object...) - Static method in class dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.ArrayExpressions
Merge two arrays together.
- ZipExpression - Class in dev.morphia.aggregation.expressions.impls
Merge two arrays together.
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