
The aggregation framework in MongoDB allows you to define a series (called a pipeline) of operations (called stages) against the data in a collection. These pipelines can be used for analytics or they can be used to convert your data from one form to another. This guide will not go in to the details of how aggregation works, however. The official MongoDB documentation has extensive tutorials on such details. Rather, this guide will focus on the Morphia API. The examples shown here are taken from the tests in Morphia itself.

Writing an aggregation pipeline starts just like writing a standard query. As with querying, we start with the Datastore:

Iterator<Author> aggregate = datastore.createAggregation(Book.class)
      .group("author", grouping("books", push("title")))
      .out(Author.class, options);

createAggregation() takes a Class literal. This lets Morphia know which collection to perform this aggregation against. Because of the transformational operations available in the aggregation pipeline, Morphia can not validate as much as it can with querying so care will need to be taken to ensure document fields actually exist when referencing them in your pipeline.

The Pipeline

Aggregation operations are comprised of a series stages. Our example here has only one stage: group(). This method is the Morphia equivalent of the $group operator. This stage, as the name suggests, groups together documents based on the given field’s values. In this example, we are collecting together all the books by author. The first parameter to group() defines the _id of the resulting documents. Within this grouping, this pipeline takes the books fields for each author and extracts the title. With this grouping of data, we’re then `push()`ing the titles in to an array in the final document. This example is the Morphia equivalent of an example found in the aggregation tutorials. This results in a series of documents that look like this:

{ "_id" : "Homer", "books" : [ "The Odyssey", "Iliad" ] }
{ "_id" : "Dante", "books" : [ "The Banquet", "Divine Comedy", "Eclogues" ] }

Executing the Pipeline

There are two basic ways to execute an aggregation pipeline: aggregate() and out(). These methods are Morphia’s cues to send the pipeline to MongoDB for execution. In that regard, both are similar. In practice, how the results are processed is even very similar. The differences, however, can have huge implications on the performance of your application. aggregate() by default will use the 'inline' method for returning the aggregation results. This approach has the same 16MB limitation that all documents in MongoDB share. We can changes this behavior using the AggregationOptions class. The options reference we passed to out() also applies to aggregate().

Aggregation Options

There are a handful options here but there’s one that deserves some extra attention. As mentioned, the aggregation pipeline, by default, returns everything "inline" but as of MongoDB 2.6 you can tell the aggregation framework to return a cursor instead. This is what the value of AggregationOptions#getOutputMode() determines. By setting the output mode to CURSOR, MongoDB can return a result size much larger than 16MB. The options can also be configured to update the batch size or to set the time out threshold after which an aggregation will fail. It is also possible to tell the aggregation framework to use disk space which allows, among other things, sorting of larger data sets than what can fit in memory on the server.


But this example doesn’t use aggregate(), of course, it uses out() which gives us access to the $out pipeline stage. $out is a new operator in MongoDB 2.6 that allows the results of a pipeline to be stored in to a named collection. This collection can not be sharded or a capped collection, however. This collection, if it does not exist, will be created upon execution of the pipeline.

Any existing data in the collection will be replaced by the output of the aggregation.

Using out() is implicitly asking for the results to be returned via a cursor. What is happening under the covers is the aggregation framework is writing out to the collection and is done. Morphia goes one extra step further and executes an implicit find on the output collection and returns a cursor for all the documents in the collection. In practice, this behaves no differently than setting the output mode to CURSOR with aggregate() and your application need not know the difference. It does, of course, have an impact on your database and any existing data. The use of $out and out() can be greatly beneficial in scenarios such as precomputed aggregated results for later retrieval.

Typed Results

out() has several variants. In this example, we’re passing in Author.class which tells Morphia that we want to map each document returned to an instance of Author. Because we’re using out() instead of aggregate(), Morphia will use the mapped collection for Author as the output collection for the pipeline. If you’d like to use an alternate collection but still return a cursor of Author instances, you can use out(String,Class,AggregationOptions).