Quick Tour

Morphia wraps the MongoDB Java driver so some level of familiarity with using the driver can be helpful. Morphia does its best to abstract much of that away but if something is confusing, please consult the Java driver documentation as well.

The following code snippets come from the QuickTourTest.java example code that can be found with the Morphia source.

Setting up Morphia

The following example shows how to create the initial Morphia instance. Using this instance, you can configure various aspects of how Morphia maps your entities and validates your queries.

final Datastore datastore = Morphia.createDatastore(MongoClients.create());

This snippet creates the Morphia instance we’ll be using in our simple application. The Morphia class is a factory for Datastore instances, if you will. Given this minimal setup, Morphia will use a database named morphia and will scan your entire classpath for entities to map. Obviously this full scan is less than ideal long term but serves to get you up and running quickly. For a more complete discussion on configuring Morphia, please see the xref:configuration.adoc for more details.

This default setup will connect to the mongod running on the local machine using the default port of 27017. When Morphia scans looking for entities, it will for classes annotated with @Entity (which we’ll cover shortly) and register the mapping metadata we’ve put on our classes.

Mapping Options

You can configure various mapping options via the MorphiaConfig class. There are a number of items to configure here but for now we’ll just cover two. For a discussion of the remainder, please see the configuration guide. Two common elements to configure are probably storeEmpties and storeNulls. By default Morphia will not store empty List or Map values nor will it store null values in to MongoDB. If your application needs empty or null values to be present for whatever reason, setting these values to true will tell Morphia to save them for you. There are a few other options to configure on MorphiaConfig, but we’ll not be covering them here. See the configuration guide for more details.

Mapping Classes

There are two ways that Morphia can handle your classes: as top level entities or embedded in others. Any class with @Entity must have a field annotated with @Id to define which field to use as the _id value in the document written to MongoDB if the entity is to be stored as a top level type and not just used as property type on another entity. If an entity will only ever be stored as a property of another type, it does not require the presence of an @Id field.

In order to be considered for persistence by Morphia, classes must be annotated with either @Entity or @ExternalEntity. Classes lacking either of these annotations will effectively be ignored by Morphia.

Let’s examine a more complete example:

    @Index(value = "salary", fields = @Field("salary"))
class Employee {
    private ObjectId id;
    private String name;
    private Employee manager;
    private List<Employee> directReports;
    private Double salary;

There are a few things here to discuss and others we’ll defer to later sections. This class is annotated with the @Entity annotation so we know that it will be a top level document. In the annotation, you’ll see "employees". By default, Morphia will use the camel case class name as the collection name. If you pass a String instead, it will use that value for the collection name. In this case, all Containers instances will be saved in to the employees collection instead. There is a little more to this annotation but the @Entity javadoc covers those details . @Entity should be used on any type you want Morphia to map including embedded types. Embedded types are not required to have an @Id annotated field.

The @Indexes annotation lists which indexes Morphia should create. In this instance, we’re defining an index named salary on the field salary with the default ordering of ascending. More information on indexing can found here.

We’ve marked the id field to be used as our primary key (the _id field in the document). In this instance we’re using the Java driver type of ObjectId as the ID type. The ID can be any type you’d like but is generally something like ObjectId or long. There are two other annotations to cover but it should be pointed out now that other than transient and static fields, Morphia will attempt to copy every field to a document bound for the database.

The simplest of the two remaining annotations is @Property. This annotation is entirely optional. If you leave this annotation off, Morphia will use the Java field name as the document field name. Often times this is fine. However, some times you’ll want to change the document field name. In those cases, you can use @Property and pass it the name to be used when this class is serialized out to the database.

This just leaves @Reference. This annotation is telling Morphia that this field refers to other Morphia mapped entities. In this case Morphia will store what MongoDB calls a DBRef which is just a collection name and key value. These referenced entities must already be saved or at least have an ID assigned or Morphia will throw an exception.

There is a newer approach for defining references that is explained more fully here.

Saving Data

For the most part, you treat your Java objects just like you normally would. When you’re ready to write an object to the database, it’s as simple as this:

final Employee elmer = new Employee("Elmer Fudd", 50000.0);

Taking it one step further, lets define some relationships and save those, too.

final Employee daffy = new Employee("Daffy Duck", 40000.0);

final Employee pepe = new Employee("Pepé Le Pew", 25000.0);



As you can see, we just need to create and save the other Employees then we can add them to the direct reports list and save. Morphia takes care of saving the keys in Elmer’s document that refer to Daffy and Pepé. Updating data in MongoDB is as simple as updating your Java objects and then calling datastore.save() with them again. For bulk updates (e.g., everyone gets a raise!) this is not the most efficient way of doing updates. It is possible to update directly in the database without having to pull in every document, convert to Java objects, update, convert back to a document, and write back to MongoDB.But in order to show you that piece, first we need to see how to query.


Morphia attempts to make your queries as type safe as possible. All of the details of converting your data are handled by Morphia directly and only rarely do you need to take additional action. As with everything else, Datastore is where we start:

final Query<Employee> query = datastore.find(Employee.class);
final List<Employee> employees = query.iterator().toList();

This is a basic Morphia query. Here, we’re telling the Datastore to create a query that’s been typed to Employee. In this case, we’re fetching every Employee in to a List. For very large query results, this could very well be too much to fit in to memory. For this simple example, using toList() is fine but in practice iterator() is usually the more appropriate choice. In those cases, rather than calling iterator() directly, it’s sufficient to simply iterate a Query using a for loop and let the magic of Iterable do its thing. Most queries will, of course, want to filter the data in some way. Here’s how to do that:

underpaid = datastore.createQuery(Employee.class)
                     .filter(Filters.lte("salary", 30000))

Morphia supports all the query filters defined in the Mongodb query language. You can find helper methods for all these filers on the Filters class. The filter() method can take as many Filter references as you need to define your query. It can also be called multiple times as any subsequent calls are cumulative with the rest of the filters already defined.


Now that we can query, however simply, we can turn to in-database updates. These updates take two components: a query, and a set of update operations. In this example, we’ll find all the underpaid employees and give them a raise of 10000. The first step is to create the query to find all the underpaid employees. This is one we’ve already seen:

final Query<Employee> underPaidQuery = datastore.find(Employee.class)
                                                .filter(Filters.lte("salary", 30000));

To define how we want to update the documents matched by this query, we can call update() on our query:

final UpdateResult results = underPaidQuery.update()
                                           .inc("salary", 10000)

There are many operations on this class but, in this case, we’re only updating the salary field by 10000. This corresponds to the $inc operator. The UpdateResult instance returned will contain various statistics about the update operation.


After everything else, removes are really quite simple. Removing just needs a query to find and delete the documents in question and then call delete() the remove them from the database:

         .filter(Filters.gt("salary", 100000))
         .delete(new DeleteOptions()

Take note of the DeleteOptions being passed in here. By default, mongodb will only delete the first matching document. If you want to delete all of them, you need to pass the multi(true) option as well.