All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractCriteria |
Defines the base Criteria implementation.
AbstractEntityInterceptor |
AbstractQueryFactory |
AbstractReference |
Accumulator |
Defines an accumulator for use in an aggregation pipeline.
AdvancedDatastore |
This interface exposes advanced Datastore features, like interacting with DBObject and low-level options.
AggregationPipeline |
This defines the pipeline used in aggregation operations
AggregationPipelineImpl |
Implementation of an AggregationPipeline.
AllOperationValidator |
Validates a query that uses the FilterOperator.ALL operator.
AlsoLoad |
Annotation which helps migrate schemas by loading one of several possible properties in the document into fields or methods.
ArraySlice |
Defines array slicing options for query projections.
AuthenticationException |
BasicDAO<T,K> |
BigDecimalConverter |
This provides a conversion to/from BigDecimal in applications using the Decimal128 type introduced in the 3.4.0 release of MongoDB.
BooleanConverter |
BucketAutoOptions |
The options for a bucket auto stage of aggregation pipeline.
BucketAutoOptions.Granularity |
A value that specifies the preferred number series to use to ensure
that the calculated boundary edges end on preferred round numbers or their powers of 10.
BucketOptions |
The options for a bucket stage of aggregation pipeline.
ByteConverter |
CappedAt |
Properties for capped collections; used in Entity
CGLibLazyProxyFactory |
i have to admit, there are plenty of open questions for me on that Key-business...
CharacterConverter |
CharArrayConverter |
ClassConstraint |
ClassConverter |
Collation |
Defines the collation options for an index
CollectionObjectReference<T> |
A list of proxied elements
CollectionReference<C extends java.util.Collection> |
ConstraintViolation |
ConstraintViolation.Level |
Levels of constraint violations
ConstraintViolationException |
ConstructorArgs |
ContainsEmbeddedWithId |
ContradictingFieldAnnotation |
ConverterException |
Indicates an error occurred trying to convert a value.
ConverterNotFoundException |
Converters |
Declares converters required for this entity/class; converters are registered globally at time of the meta-data discovery.
Converters |
CoordinateReferenceSystem |
Defines the coordinate reference system to be used in certain geo queries.
CoordinateReferenceSystemType |
An enumeration of the GeoJSON coordinate reference system types.
CountOptions |
The options for a count operation.
Criteria |
Internal class for building up query documents.
CriteriaContainer |
Internal class to represent groups of Criteria instances via $and and $or query clauses
CriteriaContainerImpl |
Defines a container of Criteria and a join method.
CriteriaJoin |
Defines how to combine lists of criteria.
CurrencyConverter |
CustomConverters |
Defines a bundle of converters that will delegate to the DefaultConverters for unknown types but provides a chance to override the
converter used for different types.
CustomMapper |
Deprecated. |
DAO<T,K> |
DAO<T,K> |
Datastore |
Datastore interface to get/delete/save objects
DatastoreImpl |
DatastoreProvider |
DateConverter |
DateStorage |
This enum is used to determine how Java 8 dates and times are stored in the database.
DefaultConverters |
Default encoders
DefaultCreator |
DefaultEntityCache |
This is the default EntityCache for Morphia
DefaultEntityCacheFactory |
Default implementation of cache factory, returning the default entity cache.
DefaultMapEntry |
A default implementation of Map.Entry
DefaultQueryFactory |
DefaultTypeValidator |
This is a fall-through validator that looks at the type and at the class of the value and figures out if they're similar enough to be
used to query.
DeleteOptions |
The options to apply when removing documents from the DBCollection
DoubleConverter |
DoubleTypeValidator |
Validation for fields of Double/double type.
DuplicatedAttributeNames |
Embedded |
EmbeddedAndId |
EmbeddedAndValue |
Entity |
Allows marking and naming the collectionName
EntityAndEmbed |
EntityAnnotatedValueValidator |
Ensures that a Class is annotated with @Entity.
EntityCache |
A primarily internal class used by MorphiaIterator to track entities loaded from mongo to prevent multiple loads of objects when keys
seen multiple times in a query result.
EntityCacheFactory |
Factory for entity caches.
EntityCacheStatistics |
This class stores various statistics on an EntityCache
EntityCannotBeMapOrIterable |
EntityInterceptor |
Interface for intercepting @Entity lifecycle events
EntityListeners |
Specifies other classes to participate in the @Entity's lifecycle
EntityObjectReference |
A serializable object reference
EntityTypeAndIdValueValidator |
Checks the class of the value against the type of the ID for the type.
EnumConverter |
EnumSetConverter |
EphemeralMappedField |
This is a MappedField facade that allows us to convert and collect values to be gathered back in to a Map or Collection, e.g., rather
than directly on a mapped entity.
ExistsOperationValidator |
Checks if the value can have the FilterOperator.EXISTS operator applied to it.
FasterJDKLogger |
Provides a faster logger.
FastestJDKLogger |
Field |
Define a field to be used in an index;
FieldConstraint |
FieldEnd<T> |
Represents a document field in a query and presents the operations available to querying against that field.
FieldEndImpl<T extends CriteriaContainer> |
Represents a document field in a query and presents the operations available to querying against that field.
FieldEnumString |
FilterOperator |
FindAndModifyOptions |
The options for find and modify operations.
FindOptions |
The options to apply to a find operation (also commonly referred to as a query).
FloatConverter |
GeoJson |
Factory class for creating GeoJSON types.
GeoJsonType |
Enumerates all the GeoJson types that are currently supported by Morphia.
Geometry |
Interface to denote which entities are classes that will serialise into a MongoDB GeoJson object.
GeometryCollection |
GeometryConverter |
A Morphia TypeConverter that knows how to turn things that are labelled with the Geometry interface into the correct concrete class,
based on the GeoJSON type.
GeometryQueryConverter |
Converts Point objects into DBObjects for querying only.
GeometryShapeConverter |
Converter that understands most Geometry instances are effectively just lists of either other geometry objects or double coordinates.
GeometryShapeConverter.LineStringConverter |
Defines a new LineStringConverter.
GeometryShapeConverter.MultiLineStringConverter |
Defines a new MultiLineStringConverter.
GeometryShapeConverter.MultiPointConverter |
Defines a new MultiPointConverter.
GeometryShapeConverter.MultiPolygonConverter |
Extends and therefore configures GeometryShapeConverter to provide the specific configuration for converting MultiPolygon objects to
and from MongoDB representations of the GeoJson.
GeometryShapeConverter.PointConverter |
Defines a new PointConverter.
GeometryShapeConverter.PolygonConverter |
Defines a new PolygonConverter.
GeoNear |
Outputs documents in order of nearest to farthest from a specified point.
GeoNear.GeoNearBuilder |
Provides a builder for GeoNear instances.
GeoWithinOperationValidator |
Supports validation for queries using the FilterOperator.GEO_WITHIN operator.
Group |
Defines a group pipeline stage.
Id |
IdDoesNotMix |
IdentityConverter |
IdGetter |
This annotation allows the lazy-load proxy to return the ID of a referenced entity without reading the reference from the database.
Index |
Defines an index
Indexed |
Specified on fields that should be Indexed.
Indexes |
Defines indexes for this entity type (on the collection)
IndexOptions |
Defines the options to be used when declaring an index.
InOperationValidator |
Checks if the value can have the FilterOperator.IN operator applied to it.
InsertOptions |
Options related to insertion of documents into MongoDB.
InstantConverter |
This converter will take a Instant and convert it to a java.util.Date instance.
IntegerConverter |
IntegerTypeValidator |
If the Type is some sort of integer-compatible field (see getTypeClasses ) then this validator will check if the value is of the
correct type for this field.
IterableConverter |
JDKLogger |
Provides a logger using the JDK logging facilities.
JDKLoggerFactory |
A logger factory using the JDK's logging.
Key<T> |
The key object; this class is take from the app-engine datastore (mostly) implementation.
KeyConverter |
KeyValueTypeValidator |
This makes sure that the field type and the Key type match.
LazyFeatureDependencies |
LazyProxyFactory |
LazyReferenceFetchingException |
LazyReferenceMissingDependencies |
LazyReferenceOnArray |
LineString |
Represents a GeoJSON LineString type.
ListValueValidator |
Validates Lists.
LocalDateConverter |
Provides a converter for LocalDate converting the value to the Date at the start of that day.
LocalDateTimeConverter |
Provides a converter for LocalDateTime converting the value to a Date.
LocaleConverter |
Converts a Locale to/from a valid database structure.
LocalTimeConverter |
Provides a converter for LocalTime and convert it to its numeric form of milliseconds since midnight.
Logger |
A generic logger interface used internally by Morphia.
LoggerFactory |
A generic logger factory interface used internally by Morphia.
Logr |
LogrFactory |
LongConverter |
LongTypeValidator |
Checks the type of the value if the type of the field is a Long or long.
MapKeyDifferentFromString |
MapNotSerializable |
MapObjectReference |
MapOfValuesConverter |
MappedClass |
Deprecated. |
MappedField |
Deprecated. |
Mapper |
MapperOptions |
Options to control mapping behavior.
MapperOptions.Builder |
A builder class for setting mapping options
MappingException |
MappingIterable<U,V> |
Copied from the Java driver
MappingValidator |
MapReduceOptions<T> |
MapreduceResults<T> |
MapreduceType |
MapReference<T> |
Meta |
Defines $meta expression object
Meta.MetaDataKeyword |
Representing specified metadata keyword
MisplacedProperty |
ModOperationValidator |
Validates queries using the FilterOperator.MOD .
Morphia |
MorphiaCursor<T> |
MorphiaIterator<T,V> |
MorphiaKeyCursor<T> |
Defines an Iterator across the Key values for a given type.
MorphiaKeyIterator<T> |
MorphiaLoggerFactory |
Morphia's logging factory that can return either an slf4j LoggerFactory or a JDK LoggerFactory.
MorphiaReference<T> |
Wrapper type for references to entities in other collections
MorphiaUtils |
This class provides a set of utilities for use in Morphia.
MultiLineString |
MultipleId |
MultipleVersions |
MultiPoint |
This class represents a series of points, which will saved into MongoDB as per the GeoJSON specification.
MultiPolygon |
NamedCoordinateReferenceSystem |
A GeoJSON named Coordinate Reference System.
NamedCoordinateReferenceSystemConverter |
A Morphia TypeConverter that knows how to turn things that are labelled with the Geometry interface into the correct concrete class,
based on the GeoJSON type.
NoId |
NotInOperationValidator |
Checks if the value can have the FilterOperator.NOT_IN operator applied to it.
NotSaved |
When placed on an entity field, the field will not be written to mongodb.
ObjectFactory |
The ObjectFactory is used by morphia to create instances of classes which can be customized to fit a particular applications needs.
ObjectIdConverter |
Convert to an ObjectId from string
OperationValidator |
Extend this abstract class to provide a way of validating part of a query that contains a FilterOperator .
PathTarget |
PatternValueValidator |
Validates query values that are Pattern to check the field type is a String.
Point |
Represents a GeoJSON Point type.
PointBuilder |
Creates Point instances representing a GeoJSON
point type.
Polygon |
This class represents either a simple polygon enclosing an area, or a more complex polygon that contains both an exterior boundary and
interior boundaries (holes) within it.
Polymorphic |
PostLoad |
Called after the data has been loaded into the java object.
PostPersist |
Called after the data has been persisted from the java object.
PreLoad |
Called before the data has been loaded from the datastore.
PrePersist |
Called before the data has been persisted to the datastore (before mapping is done).
PreSave |
Projection |
Defines a projection for use in aggregation
Property |
Optional annotation for specifying persistence behavior
ProxiedEntityReference |
ProxiedEntityReferenceList |
ProxiedEntityReferenceMap |
ProxiedReference |
ProxyHelper |
PushOptions |
The options to apply to a $push update operator.
Query<T> |
QueryException |
Error during query.
QueryFactory |
QueryImpl<T> |
Implementation of Query
QueryResults<T> |
Reference |
ReferenceConverter |
A converter for MorphiaReference values
ReferenceMap |
Hashtable-based Map implementation that allows mappings to be removed by the garbage collector.
ReferenceToUnidentifiable |
Serialized |
SerializedObjectConverter |
Serializer |
Shape |
This encapsulates the data necessary to define a shape for queries.
Shape.Point |
Defines a Point
ShortConverter |
ShortFormatter |
A formatter providing a short format
SilentLogger |
Silent logger; it doesn't do anything!
SimpleValueConverter |
Marker interface that the TypeConverter returns simple values (int/long, string, etc...)
SingleReference<T> |
SizeOperationValidator |
Checks if the value can have the FilterOperator.ALL operator applied to it.
Sort |
Sort |
Used for sorting query results or defining a sort stage in an aggregation pipeline
StringConverter |
Text |
Marks this field for inclusion in text indexing.
TimestampConverter |
Transient |
Type |
Defines BSON types for use in querying against field types.
TypeConverter |
TypeValidator |
Extend this class to provide specific validation for field types for query validation.
UpdateException |
Error during update.
UpdateOperations<T> |
A nicer interface to the update operations in monogodb.
UpdateOperator |
UpdateOpsImpl<T> |
UpdateOptions |
The options to apply when updating documents in the DBCollection
UpdateResults |
This class holds various metrics about the results of an update operation.
URIConverter |
UUIDConverter |
provided by
Validation |
Defines the document validation logic for a collection.
ValidationBuilder |
This is an internal class subject to change and removal.
ValidationException |
Error during validation.
ValidationFailure |
Represents a validation failure.
Validator |
Marker interface for validators.
ValueValidator |
Provides validation based on the Value in the query
Version |
supposed to be used on a Long or long field for optimistic locking.
VersionMisuse |
WhereCriteria |